How depressing - GMTV


Well-Known Member
Feb 16, 2007
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Did anyone see Lorraine Kelly this morning with a little girl who wanted to be just like Jordan when she grows up? I know it is a bit early to think about it but I'm having a little girl and I would hope that she would would grow up to have dreams of other things than plastic surgery and celebrity culture! Ahhhhhhhhhhhh - how depressing!
Am I alone here??? :shock:
:wall: I saw that too.

That girl and her Mum have been in loads of magazines before saying about how she wants to be Jordan.

Personally I quite like Katie Price but if I had a daughter I certainly wouldn't be encouraging her to aspire to someone who feels the need to change her appearance with surgery and takes her clothes off for a living.
Not at all, I agree with you! I have a 6yr old daughter and luckily she hates all the girls on tv who 'wear no clothes' as she says!! She says she would hate to wear no clothes in front of people her ambition at the moment is to be a teacher. Fingers crossed she keeps the same mindset!!

Girl bands at the moment are just as bad I think, dancing around in their duds! I usually turn anything off like that on the telly.
i was sickened by what that child looked like no way would i of thought she was only 11,
i dint like the fact her mother tried saying its ok as she doesnt wear all the make-up to school only a little bit, at 11 she shouldnt be wearing any make-up!!!
manda xx
i saw it, shocking :shock: hair extensions, nails, fake tan, at 11yrs old :shock:
it's sad that she's never really been a kid... I am really hoping my LO is into dolls and Enid Blyton for as long as possible... just so I can read Malory Towers again!! :roll:
Malory Towers rocks!
As does Enid Blyton generally - the far away tree was the first proper ook my mum ever read me and Malory Towers was the first proper long book i read myself!

I think kids need to be kids, they need to play with dolls, make a mess, get paint everywhere, make mud pies and go for walks in the rain with wellies on.

My little girl will obv be encouraged to do what she wants in her life and what will make her happy - though here's hoping that her ambition is not to be a Jordan look alike!
I was shocked when my 11 year old cousin was wearing thongs...I'm not excusing paedos BUT if these girls are dressing like they are older surely it's asking for trouble. how could a bloke tell the difference between a 14 year old and an 18 year old?!
i didnt like the way that little girl was, all make up and hair dye :( couldnt belive it when they said she was only 11 :shock: It reminded me of those pagents in america where they dress up LO's to look like they're 25... :puke: :puke: :puke: Whats wrong with kids being kids, eh? I want Bethany to keep her innocence for as long as possible. My mum wanted to buy her a childrens make-up saet when she was about 3, and i wouldnt even let her do that, lol. And my MIL bought her a bikini when she was about 2.....buys her one every summer....i dont even let her wear them...
Hooray! I'm glad that you guys agree, I'm starting to think the world is going a bit mad!!! There is no way my little one is flaunting herself in raunchy clothes until she leaves home!! My OH would flip anyway, he started worrying about it as soon as he knew she was a girl - do men always worry about their little girl having boyfriends/ male attention when they get older?! :rotfl:
Omg that is shocking and a far cry form what I was like at 11. I really hope my daughter stays a kid because she wont be wearing thongs, make up and dying her hair at 11, though saying that my mum used to let me colour my hair with the stuff that stayed in for a few washes and then washed out.
Aged 11 i was still playing with dolls :oops: - I LOVED my cabbage patch dolls!
The only hair dye i used was those hair mascara things - and i used them more on my dolls (i had a lovely bright blue one, lol)

I was such a good little girl, lol. I still am, innocence is great :D
I didn't see that. I've been avoiding day time tv so far :lol:

I was still wearing sweatshirts with pictures of cute fluffy animals on them at 11, and I remember having an argument with my mum and dad cos I wanted a scamp (stupid fluffy dog on wheels) for xmas and she and my dad were saying I was too old for toys. I got the scamp in the end though :rotfl:

I didn't get into make up, inappropriate clothes or acting like a slut until I was about 15 :lol:
It is hardly surprising with the media hero worship of such baseless celebrities. Also horrid dolls like Barbie and Bratz! It is very very sad.

If we have a girl, OH is determined she is going to be a tom boy anyway and play all the games he likes. (Also that she wont waste her time on anything other than maths or physics :rotfl: - I have issues with that being a 'arts graduate' lol) I have no fear that we'll be pushing her into bikinis and makeup any time soon!
:rotfl: My OH is going to put a games console into her hands as soon as she can sit up I think and get her playing the wii or x box with him as I dont want to!! I would rather have a tom boy than little girl who wants to wear makeup at age 6!!
Those bratz dolls are vile! :puke: I'm glad I've got boys in a way. It must be hard bringing up a girl these days when even the kids clothes shops sell slutty clothes, they are bound to want to wear them. It's sad kids grow up so fast these days :(

I didnt see it, but ive seen her in magazines...

Is it the girl with blonde hair with the mum who used to be a glamour model, or did some modelling....

I think its sick anyway...
Way too young to be wearing make up,fake tan ect ect

Costs her mum a fortune and for what?
To make her little girl look hot... :roll: :roll:

I actually like Jordan, but a schoolgirl shouldnt be growing up wanting to be her...

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