How common is it for the sonographer...

We're going to have 3/4D scan x that way we get to see Seb again and whilst we're there we can double check-though it was very obvious!!! x x I refused to believe DD was a girl until she arrived because I was terrified they'd got it wrong! I was so relieved that she was definatly a girl x
what did your hospital say they % was? at mine when we found out with dolly the give you a letter before hand and it said it was 65% I wasnt happy at all the scan lady said they get over 95% right but put this on the letter to cover them selfs, it just didnt seem very high and the scan lady also said ohh it looks like a girl from what I can see. I wanted her to say yes its a girl lol. But when we went for the 3d scan the lady said dont tell me the sex I like to look first after about 3sec's she said ok I know, I was like omg thay was too fast she seen a willy lol but she said girl,then she did say it was so fast cos she seen the gap in the bones in her pelvis .
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The sonographer said to us that she thought it looked like a girl and then when I said I was surprised and asked her to double check she looked again and said that she couldn't see anything to lead her to think that it wasn't a girl but she didn't sound 100% sure.

DH and I are going to go for a scan next Sat morning at the private clinic - tbh I'm just v much looking forward to seeing LO again :)
mine just said "we cant say to 100%... but its def something sticking out between the legs right there" and she showed us the winky and i said its a boy and she said again, well its def something there haha
I had a scan at 19 weeks and got told i was having girl but everyone kept saying to me they can always get it wrong!! We booked in for a 3D scan and sure enough she was a girl.
I did know a girl who went for a scan got told she was having a girl then had a 3D scan to find out she was really having a boy!

If you really want to know for sure then if you can go for another scan, do what you want to do!! :) I totally understand what you mean about thinking your having a girl then for baby to come out a boy, i think i would be gutted but then again happy and surprised to have a little boy. :lol:
We can always get things wrong, i don't know exactly how common it is to get the sex wrong at scans but it does happen. :roll:
i really thought he was a girl... but i saw a willy wiggly waggling around
still, even though we both saw it and the sonographer was very sure (they dont give you 100% for obvious reasons ;) ) we have both said how we are sort of wondering if it might be a girl, there might be some small chance he will come out a she!

we wont mind though, i will be shocked because i am geared up for a boy, but it wont be the end of the world, she just might be dressed a bit tomboyish for the first few months!

we dont like pink anyway ;)
Lol bigbump x after I read this thread I was like- well if he turns out to be a she shes going to look like a boy for the 3 months because we have loads of boy clothes x
if you need reassurance nd can get it then go for it!! any excuse for another look at the little one!! My OH decided he wanted a picture of the penis for proof!! So now we have definitve proof we have a boy!

When i had my scan they didnt really show me his winky it was a rough " its a boy theres his willy" and that was from the side, but i had it double checked at the 4d scan she said its a boy but again didnt show me the area very well. I didnt find out what i was having when i had my daughter, i dont even think i got asked if i wanted to no lol x

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