How common is it for the sonographer...


Well-Known Member
Nov 16, 2009
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1 get the baby's sex wrong?

I have been so excited and happy ever since finding out that I'm having a girl but all people seem to say to me is 'did you know that they can get it wrong?' :(

If they have and it's a boy then of course I will love and cherish him just the same but I can imagine that there would be a certain about of sadness that I didn't get the little girl I had been expecting for 4 months since finding out the sex.

I guess this would represent the bad side of finding out the sex.

I'm sure it won't be the case but I was wondering how common it really is as so many people seem to know of someone that this happened to.

Just to reiterate, I would be delighted with either just as long as they are healthy, that's all that matters really.
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I was over joyed to find out I was having a girl with dolly but then ppl started telling me storys of a friend of a friend getting told they where having a girl and it turned out to be a boy ( never the other way around) and it keeped playing on my mind. so I went for a 3d scan where they told me they were 99% sure it was a girl, It did help as I then started buying pink even my pram what I hadnt dare before incase it was wrong. It was still the first thing I shouted tho when she was born IS IT A GIRL so it still must of been on my mind lol
i dont know how common it is but its mainly wrong when they say its a girl but its a boy. As sometimes the boys willy cannot be seen clearly and they just automatically say its a girl. Think its only 95% accurate on a scan X
I can't afford a 3d scan but I can afford another 2d private scan- would I be crazy to go for another scan just to see what they say? I would quite like another private scan anyway to have more pics and a DVD of the ultrasound.
I said that if they told me i was having a girl id want another scan to prove it was deff a girl. youcan have just a gender scan which is done in 2D but id recommend it if your worried about buying clothes etc. its nice to have piece of mind :) x
its such a small chance that they are wrong so im sure you are having your little girl. but have an extra scan if you can afford it just to see your little one again.. i would love to but there is no way i can afford to. :(
Dh thinks it is a waste of money but said he will support me and come along if I decide to have one. I think I will ifnonly to see bub again :)
I was told by the midwife it's
mainly when they say it's a boy thy get it wrong because of cord confusion - hope this helps x x x
its a seriously low chance of it being wrong my mum is the receptionist in ultrasound and asked the lady that did me because it really wasnt clear and they explained it not just a winky they look for there are other pointers the pelvic shape that they look at and the female gntials etc im lucky to be getrting at least another 3 scans thru pregnancy so im gona be asking at each one lols so hard not having it confirmed
This is why Im team yellow :D haha!!

With bella they told me inwas having a girl and I had bought all pink when I gave birth I said is it a girl? And the doc said it's either a boy or a girl!! Lol in all the pain and confusion I thouht he said it's a boy to which I blurred out but I didn't want a boy! :rotfl: she was of course a girley x
what my boy flashed wasnt a cord thats for sure! plus he layed with his hand between his legs and the other behind head so it couldnt be wrong.. its a boy...
Well I've seen my little boy's willy at a scan I had at 19 weeks and yesterday at 21 weeks, so I'm pretty sure it's a boy haha. But I doubt it'll be wrong, it's very rare that they do get it wrong tbf.
what my boy flashed wasnt a cord thats for sure! plus he layed with his hand between his legs and the other behind head so it couldnt be wrong.. its a boy...

lols that really amused me isobel such a bloke thing to do
I was really worried...and still am that she's going to come out with a winky!!!! I have only brought a few outfits and pink things, mostly gone for cream and greens ect just in case. All the nursery furniture and bedding is neutral as well, with a black pram lol. Im not taking any chances!!! All the sleep suits and vests Im taking to the hospital are green and yellow too.

I think its because both me and FOB were sort of hoping for a little girl (even though we would have been so happy with either)so now were worried its wrong! But our sonographer seemed so certain it was a girl. I think if they were unsure they wouldnt say anything, or tell you, that there was like a 70% chance or something that it was a girl.
I was wondering this as well as I didn't see a penis just scrotum. She asked the trainee if she thought boy as well and she said yes. It's probably why I want another scan to double check. On my first I didn't find out the sex but my 2nd boy you could clearly see a winky!

I do think they are rarely wrong though, I mean they must do tons of these scans so know what to look for. I'd say if your in doubt and can afford it, go for another scan for reasurrance Hun xx
Thanks girls. I was a bit worried about posting this as I didn't want it to seem as though I wouldn't be happy either way and in fact DH and I have already said that next time we'd ideally like a boy as the ideal for us would be to have one of each, whatever order. It's just that I don't want to get all excited about having a girl and then feel like I've lost something when I would genuinely be happy with either but I just like to know these things- I'm exactly the same with Christmas presents- I can never wait until the actual day and always beg DH to let me open some on Christmas eve :rotfl:
My friend from school was told she was havin a boy,remember some1 tellin me shed had her baby and sayin 'oh what did she call him' it was a girl!! That was 11 years ago tho do think scans r a lol bit clearer now x
Oh and wen my neice was born the midwife shouted 'it's a boy!' my sister nearly fell off the bed...she'd bought big pink double pram lol x
With Rosie they told me it was a girl (I already knew - sixth sense if you like) and sure enough it was a girl. This time I didnt want to find out - but my senses tell me its a boy so we'll wait and see.

People always love to either tell you a horror story or something to the contrary of what you think/do. Dont take any notice of them - but if you can afford it have another scan to put your mid at ease :hug:

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