How can we stop this?


Well-Known Member
Dec 12, 2010
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Help! before me or my other half have a heart attack! Layla has taken to lieing on her front at night we lay her on her back but she can get on her side then some how she has worked out how to get on her front, the other problem is she can work her way to top of mosses basket, cant work out how she does it! she no longer has any bedding as she was wriggling under it still worried she will get cold. Any ideas how to stop her?
Try tucking her in tightly. Many moons ago it was the done thing to out them on their bellies so I'm sure she will be ok, its just a bit scary.
We used to tuck her in tight but she folds her legs and was getting under it so health visitor said don't use one
Is she too small for a sleepbag? You could tuck it in the end of the Moses basket?

If it helps Chloe has since 1 month slept on her side and 2 months on her tummy as soon as she could - when she s fast asleep just flip her back over if you too worried xx
She is to small for a sleeping bag she was 5 weeks early so still got some catching up to do, Will it hurt her on her front she has no head control at this age?
How old is she? Or better - what weight is she? Oh oh and you could def swaddle her xx
Swaddle her. You can also get a baby monitor that beeps if baby stops breathing. You put that under the mattress. They recommend one to all premies in my hospital. Though not proved to definetely help eith SIDS it gives you a good nights sleep at least. I will definitely have one for my baby premie or not.
I would've suggested a gro bag (sleeping bag) if she wasn't small. We have a primark one for Jack thats pretty small. Have a look next time you're out shopping x
She's a bit young for sleeping on her tummy in my mind when the have headcontrol its ok. I would say swaddle aswell. X
She's 3 weeks 5 days and weights just over 6lb but is small for weight (health visitors words?) will look in to swaddling, wouldn't be so worried if she had head control, we have monitor woke us up last night as she got to top of mosses basket away from it :wall2:
Yea I would swaddle u can buy the swaddle blankets from mothercare for like £12 they r lush xx
I've got a few swaddle blankets that haven't been used un oppened and i have a swaddle pod if you'd be interested ?
Have you thought of getting a baby sleep positioned?
Worked for my LO until he got too big, now he sleeps on his tummy regardless of what I do
Hmm, ignore that! Just read an article saying they are apparently dangerous :(
Cam slept on his tummy from 3 weeks, was the only way he would fall asleep for long periods of time. Swaddle is def a good idea xx
Oscar hated sleeping on his back from about 1 week old, would do this weird choking thing was well scary and once that started he would just cry so we slept him on his side.

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