Legs Stuck between bars?


Well-Known Member
Feb 11, 2007
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Ellie keeps getting her legs stuck in the cot bars, she rolls onto her front then somehow gets her leg(s) stuck right through the bars and her chunky lil thighs wedge her there... she screams, i get up sort her out and she goes back to sleep... Im worried shes gunna hurt herself as she really gets em stuck and hurts her legs... she thrashes around and makes it worse and has bruises on her legs from doing it :(

Any ideas how to stop this?
valentine said:
Hey hun,

Can you use grobags?

Valentine Xxx

She hates em, she wont even have a blanket on and when she has a growbag on she wakes herself up trying to kick it off :rotfl: we'll give it another try though, good thinking batman ;) xx
From experience, she will learn too manovere her leg out, imogens gone through ellies stage and now gets her legs out with ease - she will learn hun but show her how too as well xxx
I've got exactly the same problem with Tom and he is in Grobags.
It's so annoying ... just hoping like Mrs Tommo says, that he'll grow out of it. xx
Ami did this the other week, didnt cry to alert me (she never does-with her being so prem she has an extremely high pain threshold) i found her, removed her leg from the bar to a great big purple bar shaped bruise :( i thought it was meningitis - stripped her off in a flash.

grobags from now on, she doesnt seem to mind them but this particular night they were both in the wash :roll:
Are bumbers not enough? I think I would panic if i found Lily like that!
Joe was always the one to get limbs stuck between bars!

They both went in Grobags from an early age, but one night Joe "refused" to go in his, and got one of his legs stuck! :doh:
He was alright though :)

I recommend Grobags - they're great!
Hayden has done this once- i woke up to him crying "i stuck" but i got a big bumper and
tied it on the outside down low so that he couldn't put his legs through and he couldnt untie it or move it and do any
damage to himself..worked good because it never happened again- his cot looked a bit odd though!!
Hopes done this a few times, she will grow out of it, could you maybe try cot boarder, you know the long strips of padded material that go round the inside of the cot, maybe that will stop her :hug:

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