How big is your house?


Well-Known Member
Aug 17, 2007
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Not sure if this belongs in off topic but feel free to move it mods if you need to :D

I was just wondering how big your house is and how many children you have? Do you cope would you like more space? Would you get a bigger house if it meant you had to work more hours?
We have a very average two and a half bed terrace.

At the mo Stanley is in the little room but he'll go into the back bedroom next year. If this baby is a boy he'll share, or a girl can go in the little room. They can fight over that when they're older :lol:

It's a similar size to the house my sis and I grew up in and I think it's fine for 2 kids, a squeeze for more. But we're planning to complete our family at 2 so it's not an issue really.
we dont own or private rent its counsil but its a fairly big 2 bed flat i love the size and i wont be asking for a bigger place if this baby is a boy as there is more then enough room, even if its a gil i think we can stay here a few years quite happily due to the amount of space im really happy with it
not big enough lol

we are looking for another atm as we still live with mum but the ones near her are above our budget and council wont help because baby aint here yet and they have said that mums house is suitable for baby to share a room with us till he is 1 or 2!!! even tried going private but we cant get housing benefit because the houses that are for rent are 3 bedrooms and we are only entitles to 2
we are looking for a bigger place just now. At the moment we are in a 2bedroom apartment. We bought it when we were engaged but we are slowly out growing it and now that we are ttc, we defo need a bigger housie!

We have been looking at 4/5bed ones as we want our room, room each for the kids, a spare room and preferably a wee office
Ours is a 2 bed flat. It's Victorian so the rooms are pretty substantial with high ceilings and big windows. We love it here though it won't be forever as the second bedroom is really only big enough for one. It has lots of outdoor space that nobody really uses (except a neighbour for her dog but that's a whole other rant :wall: ) but it would be nice to have a bit of private garden space.
I live in a 2 bed bungalow. It's just enough room for me, Cooper and the dog. Its got a lovely sized back garden which would be lovely for Cooper to play in if only the dog didn't piss all over it! :wall: She does shit too but i pick that up! If i found a fella and had another baby i would have to move but for now here is fine :D
Most people seem happy with what they have, we only have a small 2 bed terrace which is fine but would love more space.
we are in a quite big 3 bedroomed house and are quite happy have no plans to move unless we win the lottery lol
I live in a one-bedroom cottage flat. It's just big enough for me and ben but when we cvconceive we will be house hunting for a two/three bedroom.
It's a council house but it's lovely. It's just been renovated and so has lovely new kitchen and bathroom (even though the bathroom is dinky!)
And we have a lovely big garden!

We have a 3 bed house at the moment but on bedroom is pretty small. We have the biggest bedroom then the medium bedroom is the nursery. To save money we are keeping the nursery as it is and decorating the little room for Brody.
Downstairs we only have the living room and kitchen - would love a dining room really. We have a table in the kitchen but no heating in there so don't like to eat in there!
We have a 3 bedroom. 1 room is fairly small but big enough as Angel's nursery. We're in the medium sized room at the front as it has built in wardrobes which makes up for loss of room.

I was brought up in that house with my parents and 2 sisters so it's fine.
We are in a 1 bed flat :cry: and we are waiting for housing association at the mo,seems like forever. And with the prices down here its bloody ridiculous!!! We manage though and I love my wee flat, I dont likethe thought of living in a house, not that there are any houses here lol they are all converted flats.
we have a 1 bedroom terrace cottage. Oh had it when I met him and I moved in with him. Its ok for 2 people at a push but the more baby stuff i buy the more room I realise we need lol baby will have to stay in with us for abit till we can move.
We have an ex-council 3 bed house. It's as perfect as we'll be able to afford for good while, 2 big bedrooms and 1 smaller one, decent sized living room and a kitchen-diner and a nice big garden. We won't be moving for a long time, I just wish it was a bit nearer a corner shop or something.
We're in a 2 bed first floor flat & I hate it!
I'd love to move to the country, maybe get a house with potential for extending & a huge garden :D
Im learning to drive so we have more freedom over where to move so hoping it wont be too long before we're outta this crap hole!
8 bedrooms, 5 bathrooms... in my dreams :lol:

We have a 3 bed house, we're lucky that the smallest room is still a good size.

The downstairs is a nice size except the kitchen which is TINY and the only thing I'd want to change about the place... we were due to extend this year but ut didn't happen. :(
I forgot to say that im moving into SarahH's house when she moves, ill only take up a wee corner honest,you wont even know we are there :rotfl:

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