How big am I measuring?


Well-Known Member
Jan 29, 2007
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Hi Ladies
Just back from my midwife appointment, wee is clear , blood pressure a little higher than normal (she said we'll keep an eye on it see what its like next time), baby heartbeat strong etc.We got booked in for Parentcraft classes and they start on 26th June. :dance:

One thing is that my Fundal measurement was 33cm, Does anyone know how many weeks I am measuring at? She said it is a big baby and we'll have to keep an eye on its size and she said growth could plato (sp?) out.

Smurf : I told my midwife about my symptoms again with my groin and legs and she said it sounds like a pregnancy pain . She said the doctor could prescribe me a stronger pain killer but she said obviously wait as long as you can until you can't cope with the pain anymore then go and get them.
i wanted to kno how big my LO is and i asked MW today and she said u cant tell as some women carry more fluid etc :?
i think 33cm means ur uterus is as high as if u were 33 weeks, but not sure :?
Glad all went well Babyroo and thanks a million for asking your mw. I spoke to mine today too and mentioned it again and she also reckons its just a pregnancy pain and the chances are that as bubs moves down futher into the pelvis the pain might ease off a bit bu that oould be weeks away.
33cms means your measuring at 33 weeks..are your dates a little out? i was carring load sof water with my 1st pregnancy.. and i measured bigger with her.. everyone kept asking are ur dates wrong this is gonna b a big baby.. she came out and was 7lb10.. pretty average i think??!
yep, I agree. It's a cm per week, so that would mean you're measuring 33 weeks.

I just came back from my mw appointent and im measuring 39cm even though im only 36 weeks.She didnt seem very worried about it, but im not so sure about this. i didnt question it cuz she was more concerned about my liver function and sent me off for blood tests.
Hi ladies, your fundal height is supposed to near enough equal your pregnancy weeks :D so if your fundal height is bigger or smaller then your weeks before 35 weeks dont worry too much about it. Your m/w willly il have a good idea why this is anyways.
I at 28 weeks was bang on, so hopefully i will have another fairly medium baby x :D

Glad yoru appointment went well :)
My doc said i was having a big baby as well beacuse of my measurments being about 2 weeks ahead so not that far ahead.
Sent me fgor a scan to confirm it as well.
If you or her are concerned im sure they will send you for a growth scan in a few weeks
I hardly ever measured bgger when i was pg, and Hope came out at 9lb 8 oz, :shock:
I was measured yesterday and came out at 29cm so practically bang on hoping for not too big a baby.
Thanks for your replies :hug:
I thought that a cm represented a week, just could'nt believe I was measuring 33wks , I'm only 28 wks tomorrow :shock: .
I'm not worried about it because the midwife did'nt seem too concerned just said we'll see whats it's like next time.
I think that baby is going to take after daddy though, He was over 10lb's when he was born. Also, I'm 5ft 10" and Hubby is Six foot so that may be a reason too.
My Mam this morning was very comforting by telling me my maternal grandma was 14lb when she was born and that was in the 1920's :shock: .
As long as my baby is strong and healthy, I'm not going to let myself worry about anything. :hug:

I totally agree as long as LO is healthy :)
Mel- i measured normal with Kiara as well and she was 9 pounds 6 ounces and was suppost to be 7 pounds :wink:
These measurements are a bit "hit and miss" I think and depend on the accuracy of the doctor/midwife doing them.

I was measured at 38cm when I was 31 weeks! :shock: I was quite worried about that because the GP really thought I had a big baby. Turned out, at the next scan, baby was absolutely normal size for dates and weighing approx 4.5lbs also as expected. The Sonographer said it could be that the baby was stretched out at the time and just appeared bigger. :think:

Don't worry too much. I'm sure it will all be confirmed at the next scan. :)

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