How Beautiful are these photos?

mrs_tommo22 said:
Hate to be a killjoy the baby in the cradle one is freaking me out a bit :(

yeh me too

the rest are gorgeous, but that one is a bit disturbing
Serendipity_ said:
:( I don't like them either, I would not let my baby anywhere near water without me. I'm scared to death myself,

ok Im gonna fight back here!!! Im crap at wording stuff so please dont take anything the wrong way!!

In a way I agree some of the pics can be freaky, but remeber they are edited and she does a lot of it for advertising!

Now the bit about babies swimming underwater and drowning...
if a child is not used to water and being in and underwater, then yes if they fall in they are liable to sink and they are possiably gonna panic!
And by showing your child you are fearful they are going to pick up on that fear to, a fear which could be bad if they every got stuck in water!

surely it would be better to have your child taught that if they do fall under be it in a pool or river that they dont have to panic all they have to do is swim back up,
by taking chester to his underwater swimming classes I didnt ahve to panic every time I took him to the beach, dont me wrong I never ever left him, but I knew if he had a small tumble or landed in water I neednt panic as he would be straight back up, as he was taught to do!

I know its each to their own and that people have fears for a reason, but I think its unfair this fear is forced onto your child, i speak from experinace, my friend used to hate swimming, didnt fear the water just hated it, when she had her eldest daughter she refused to let her daughter anywere near water, her daughter is now 5 and for no reason she fears the water, when you ask her why, she says coz mummys wont let me near it!
she doesnt understand water and that it can be fun if done in a safe way!! She has never had the pleasure of learning to swim and despite livin in cornwall has never stepped foot on a beach!

Im not saying any of you are that extreme and Im certainly not having a go at you for your own views, and as I said when I started typing I find it hard to explain stuff!!
And as a extremely sensible parent I am fully aware of that. :?

I hate water but i do not inflict my fear on the kids, my kids go swimming twice a month and they love the water and I go with them, i hate rivers, sea etc but have no fear of a pool whatsoever.

Im also terrifled of spiders and they make me sick, but when was in stephens room the other day and there was a massive fucker on his wall and i went and got a glass and caught it. I even said to him "nice spider" :puke: :rotfl: but he aint afraid of them, he picked one up yesterday and squashed the fooker :cheer:

I know that doing these photos are safe, ive been at a shoot with other children and mums.

Some of us just dont like the baby cradle picture - its ghoulish. :(
it never crossed my mind that they were creepy :think:

jus not my sort of art, the nearest thing to that that Iv seen is Nirvanas album cover lol :lol:
I think that the photos are stunning especially Baby-storm and chester's personal ones :D...So much so I have just booked for us to start Waater babies in march, I feel I will be giving my daughter a lifesaving skill and getting beautiful art that will be cherised by us forever. Only being able to capture that in the first year of he life will mean much more than alot of staged piccys we could comission.

With regards to the cradle piccy its not my fave either but I get the meaning in the portrayal. It doesnt look like the baby was actually in the cradle in water, nor do I think the baby looking into what looks like a whales eye was actually next to a whale :lol:

Art and beauty is in the eye of the beholder and its not all about pretty things... just remember SOMEONE buys Damon Hursts shark in feramldyhide (SP?) :lol:

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