How bad is my maternity benefits in comparison to yours?

I am one of the lucky ones:-
13 weeks full pay
13 weeks half pay
13 weeks smp
if you went back you get the 13 weeks half pay made up to full pay as an incentive to go back

(I am being made redundant whilst on maternity leave so they are paying me the 26 weeks at full pay as my job is not there to back to so i am very lucky)

I work for a private company
All of you moaning about getting the bare minimum 90% for 6 weeks should see what you get if you're self-employed...


And I'm not rich self-employed, just a freelance designer struggling to get the jobs in. Was made redundant last year when the company I worked for relocated. They used to offer the bare minimum 6 weeks @ 90% pay, then SMP. I thought at the time that was pants, but now I work for myself (though I don't actually earn any more money) all I can get is Maternity Allowance @ about £110/week. No 6 weeks @ 90%, no holiday days to use up... Hubby is self-employed too so won't get paid for any paternity leave he takes as the government allowances don't currently extend to self-employed fathers.

Now that's what I call pants!!!

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