I shall be getting the absolute minimum too.
I was having a look at the company handbook the other day and it seems there are wonderful benefits in all other areas - just maternity they seem to look dimly on.
For example, if I was sick rather than pregnant I would get 13 weeks full pay before going on SSP because I have worked there for more than 2 years!
My company (which I loved) have been shocking since I told them I was pregnant. It upset me tobegin with but now I just annoy them by having antenatal appointments in the middle of the day (and I live a 45 minute journey from work so that is a lot of time they have to pay me for when I am not there!) I don't ask the surgery for awkward appointments I just take what they give me and all the awkward slots seem to be what they have left over. I'm quite happy to oblige now!

I was having a look at the company handbook the other day and it seems there are wonderful benefits in all other areas - just maternity they seem to look dimly on.

My company (which I loved) have been shocking since I told them I was pregnant. It upset me tobegin with but now I just annoy them by having antenatal appointments in the middle of the day (and I live a 45 minute journey from work so that is a lot of time they have to pay me for when I am not there!) I don't ask the surgery for awkward appointments I just take what they give me and all the awkward slots seem to be what they have left over. I'm quite happy to oblige now!