How are we all today??


Well-Known Member
Nov 9, 2007
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I've been away for a couple of days, so just wondered how everyone is, and how those damned symptoms are doing?

I'm still feeling totally wiped out (ready to nap and it's only 4pm. I didn't even wake up til 10am!!)
Nausea is slightly easing - still feeling pretty queasy during the day.
Boobs still big (but seem to have settled down a bit...i was hoping for real whoppers!)
Have had TWO major emotional outbursts - i was hysterical the other night, literally sobbing at my OH for no reason. He thinks its funny though, he's seen a totally mental side to me. I'm normally so bloody normal!!
still getting daily cramps and twinges. Today its my weekly sharp pain down one side, but slowly accepting these twinges may just be normal for me.

Can't believe i have my 12 week scan this Thursday. SOO excited now, but i still worry something will be wrong. It's so heartbreaking reading about other people's losses on this site. It just makes he feel so sad at what a rollercoaster this pregnancy thing can be for everyone. Here' hoping we all stay happy and healthy...

Anyway, end of long winded post....(can you tell my OH is away and i'm home alone today???!!))

Chinese takeaway tonight. Yay!

Kate x
im still getting twinges - if you think of how quickly everything is changing in there it kinda makes sense that there would be some discomfort.

I woke up again this morning not feeling dizzy :cheer: had a funny turn in tescos this morning, but i think that was related to the fact that i felt like i was going to throw up.

Sickness was ok last night. I felt sick, but not like i was going to be sick (and i wasn't!! :dance: :pray: ).

i ended up sitting in my mums garden today painting - but we tried to do a hand print of alice and she didn't like the paint on her hands. she did it after i did it first though. she painted me some lovely pictures :D

after losing the last one its made me realise how lucky i am to have got this far! Even though i may moan about feeling naff, i would still do it even if it was 1000% worse, if it meant a happy healthy little baby at the end.
I know what you mean. I'm almost willing my symptoms to get worse, as i still am so worried about losing another pregnancy. Miscarriage really effects your perspective on being preggers, doesn't it.

Good news you're not being sick. Thank God for medication!!

Still finding these twinges disconcerting. One day they're up up one side, then they're low down, then they're up my bum!!! But you're right, i just think that it must mean the little peanut is trying to grow. And midwife told me its to do with the progesterone in my body, effecting my uterus and stopping contractions or something. Made sense when she explained it!

My NEXT worry (as i like to line them up...) is that i'll have a weak cervix. Had two cone biopsys years ago so now paranoid i'll miscarry late. Honestly, i wish i could just relax and enjoy it all!! Though i am starting to get glimpses of enjoying it all (just a bit too scared yet to get too comfortable with the idea of being a mum)

I haven't done hand painting for, like, 30 years!!! I am actually jealous!
Hi there,

feeling saddened by the recent losses, feel so very lucky to have got this far this time and every twinge today I've been feeling scared, guess I'm not going to feel secure about having this little one until they're in my arms bawling their eyes out.

Apart from that- tired (slept for an hour at lunchtime!), although my tum seems to have settled a bit now, I had a lot of IBS type gripes this last month. I really don't want to eat much in the evenings though as I get so bloated! Though if I don't eat enough in the middle of the day I get so desperate and grumpy.

Kind of craving salty things, I thought this was bad but one of my pregnant friends said it was normal so....?

Morning sickness as gone since 9 weeks, starting to show very slightly I think and finally starting to tell people this week. We told my father in law today and he was delighted, not many things please him ever so that felt good. Mel told him too which was cute. He said "We're going to have a new baby" it was adorable and we had in no way been coaching him all the way there on the bus! :rotfl:


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