
Well-Known Member
Apr 21, 2005
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Im just wondering how we are all doing? Any one got any moans and complaints to get off their chests??
Im doing ok, just weeing all the bloomin time LOL, and soon as i lay down i get quite breathless (im also asthmatic) Its nice to be finished work, my maternity leave officially started today, but just had 4 weeks holiday.
We have put the cot up, and yesterday we bought a papoose, its fab!!
Is every one organised?? I think this is as good as we'll get until she arrives now LOL.......just so so so so excited!! (and scared and nervous and daunted and worried etc LOL!!)
OH is working away quiet a bit at the mo (only 2 hours away) but im feeling a bit lonely, and worried incase any thing happens and he's there, and what if its a false alarm when he gets home to me??!! :oops:
any way, thought it would be nice to have an update from other feb mums to be.
OH MY GOD.......just seen only 20 DAYS Left!!
Well, I'm exhausted!!!

Spent the w/end packing boxes to move out of my old place and my OH shifted a load down to a storage place. We don't know when we will actually be moving into our new place yet though so it's all a bit nerve wracking.

I'm at work until 3 February, but only working 4 day weeks until then; which is some relief at least.

Are we ready for the baby? NO. Not a bit of it. I think I'm going to order the essentials from Mothercare and Kiddicare tonight just so I don't feel quite so unprepared, but it's difficult because I don't want to clutter up our tiny flat if we're going to be moving in a couple of weeks. OTOH I don't want to have nothing in case my LO decides to show up early!!!

Apart from the exhaustion, I'm most fed up with evil maternity jeans. Either they are so tight that I feel like a sausage or so loose that I have to haul them up every 2 paces or I feel like one of those horrid boys who likes to show off their boxers over their jeans! Grrrr. At the w/ends I mostly wear my OH's jeans which are low waisted and v. comfy, but they're too obviously 'boyfriend' jeans to wear for work - though it may come to that!!!
Hi everyone

Today was my first real day off as I finished work on Wednesday last wk but was packing and running round Thursday for a trip down south (Scotland to South of England) on Friday for my sister's wedding. Got back yesterday so today I thought I'd make the most of it but unfortunately I had a bit of an upset stomach :(

We still need to get a few things for the wee one - car seat, chest of drawers for the nursery and a few other bits and bobs but I hope to be feeling better tomorrow and head off to the shops to pick the last bits up so then I can just concentrate on getting the house ready for baby!

We're also really excited about wee one arriving but like you Hels we're also a bit nervous and afraid! After all this time waiting though I just can't wait to hold him/her in my arms

Off to parents class now

36 + 6
I've been getting period pain and my midwife said that it is because the babys head is in my pelvis (3/5 engaged) anyone else have this on their notes? or have period pain? x
My notes say baby's head is 3/5 engaged. Get some very odd pains and cramps, but not exactly period type ones. I expected it to feel a lot worse as the baby's head got engaged, but it hasn't been too bad and she doesn't shove her bum up under my solar plexus so badly any more!
Can't say I've been having those types of pains but my wee one isn't engaged so perhaps that's why? I'm due 8th Feb but I wonder if I'll go way overdue if your little ones are already getting ready by the exit?

Think I'll spend some more time sitting on my birthing ball to try and encourage little one to start descending!

37 + 1
Mine seems to have spent her whole time head down. At the 20 weeks scan she was head down and sucking her thumb!
My OH is convinced she'll be a genius 'cos she'd already worked out where her thumbs were...
sorry to disappoint you skidoo but i was sucking my thumb on the scan as well, and i'm nowhere near a genius. hey! you might be lucky and baby will be anyway... :D

just wanted to tell someone i was in maternity today to have a checkup, was monitered... and was told baby is starting to engage!! i know it can still take weeks but it was still exciting :)

just want the baby to arrive now, i am SO ready and am trying every trick in the book to persuade him to come out!

been having period-like cramps on and off, and every niggle has me thinking "is this it?" - but no..... getting loads of pressure down there and have aches in my lower back/upper buttock area because LO is pushing into my pelvis. almost like a nerve is trapped, in fact i think it is, as sometimes my right leg gives way! lol

COME ON BABY, come out!!!! :lol:
I know what you mean petchy about thinking every little niggle could be the start of something!

My period pain was getting stronger last night and was going into my lower back. I'm due in four weeks but i feel like she could be here in two.

Anyone else feel like they could be early? xx
Im predicting 13th feb (due 5th) but OH thinks she'll be like mummy and be impatient, not being able to wait for anything!! Im wishing, so ready to meet her now, but just know ill be over dates, and knowing my luck will have to be induced, which as i am planning a natural birth centre birth, would not be good!!!
Ive had a few light period type pains, but nothing too much, when i went for 36 wk check she was 'free' got a 38 wk check on wednesday, so im really hoping that she'll be engaged......does it matter if baby isnt? would that mean you could go overdue?? or can it happen quickly??
Sooooo, whos gonna be first out of us feb mums?? i think it may be Petchy, Dunno who, no reason!
take care and keep upadted!
Hey girls,

l know the feeling when you think baby may just arrive early,... l have had the odd period pain twinge but not really much else. lm due in 4 weeks and 2 days, and its really starting to creep up quickly. Anyones baby settled into the engaged position yet? l went to my midwife appointment last friday and baby was breeched. l dont see my midwife til next friday, but do hope baby is engaged by then! Do most of you know what you are having? l like suprises so we didnt find out.

Take care all,

Fluffy. xx :lol:
we are 90% sure its a girl.
i have washed all the clothes i have bought (mostly pink) to be all ready, OH said last night, what if shes a he, wecant swap pink for blue now. prob shouldnt have washed them hey?? I just wanted to have them all nicley washed and ironed so they are soft and ready for my girl. :lol:
hels said:
OH said last night, what if shes a he, wecant swap pink for blue now.

oh well there is always ebay!! :lol:

I was thinking the same thing. I held out for as long as possible before washing some of my girls things. I've had 4 scans so far and they have confirmed it on 3 of them so she will hopefully be a girl!! :D

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