How are everyones babies getting on!

Well! Ross will be 11 weeks on Friday (not sure if my ticker agrees with that!). He was knocked out of his day and night time routine when we were in Spain so he's taking a wee bit of time to get back into it. He was weighed at his 6 week check (he was just over 7 weeks) and was 11lb7oz, so his weight dropped from the 75th centile to the 50th, but his length jumped from the 75th to the 91st centile. So it looks like he'll be a tall lanky boy :) He's not been weighed since as the HV was supposed to visit last week and she was off sick. I can't seem to go to the shops without every second person saying look at the 'tiny' (!) baby, and being shocked when I say how old he is, anyone getting this??

Typically he sleeps from about 10pm to 7am-ish although he went to 8am the night before last and only 5am last night! During the day he wakes and gurgles, coos, smiles and generally charms anyone and everyone. Then he'll take a feed and down for a nap and usually runs on this cycle every 2-4hours during the day.

He's a wee gem really, using colief which helps loads or he would go weeks without a dirty nappy. And he's very mobile round his cot! It'll nearly be time for his 3 month jabs too :(
Anyone thinking about solids (puree of course)? I know the guidelines say 6 months plus but just wondered what folks thoughts were?
Everyones babies sound like theyre getting on fabulously!!!

I have started thinking about solids (obviously not just yet lol, shes only 8 weeks!) but I think Ill start with baby porridge and baby rice ect from around 3/4 months I think. I know guidelines says 6 months, but pah! :)

Meeah - I saw the video on facebook of Livi giggling...shes so cute!!!!! xx
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if your babies have good head control and are quite stable sitting in a suportive chair then you can try introducing osme puree solids :cheer: I cant wait to get going. Loads of people in my family dont get on with gluten (wheat) so Im gonna stick to the baby rice and avoid the porridge at first.

We're using colief too, love the stuff :yay: its gone down to 4.99 in tesco so just bought 3 packs. Anyone else find the bloomin thing only last about a week and costs £11 usually :faint: if I hadnt found it in tesco that cheap I wouldve been down the GPs for a prescription.
Oh I hadn't seen it in Tesco Tiny!! Will definately have to have a look!! It certainly doesn't last long and we just tried to reduce it but ended up with no bowel movements for three days so it's helping in more ways than one! Ross is really strong and can hold his head steady, preferring to sit up so he can nosey at the TV! Is that the main reason for waiting until 6 months?
no good head control is important to reduce the risk of chocking but they say 6 months cos theres a theory about allergies. quite contraversial though.
morgan has more frequent bowel movements on colief too. :yay: in tesco they keep it behind the pharmacy counter. xx
Ah right! I thought it was more to do with digestion rather than allergies. I was on solids at 6 weeks on advice from the GP due to horrendous colic and I'm still here! I'll look into it as I think Ross is nearing the point where he might be looking for a bit more. I'll speak to my sister too, she's a dietitian :)

We live about 2 mins away from a huge 24 hour tesco and the only thing they don't have is a pharmacy :(
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Just found one with a pharmacy in Edinburgh so I'll take a detour there tomorrow, thank you!! :yay:
theyre doing a big study about the link between weaning and allergies, you might be elligeable to join, if you were thinking of weaning 'early' anyway?
I weaned all of my at about 4 months - especially if babes are big or show interest in food i thinks its fine. I think it was once they started sleeping less at night i tried - they always used to wean by 3-4 months and we all survived!
Love the name number 2 - Austin was my fav for a boy x
there is a school of thought that delaying weaning actually causes allergies because the babies immune system doesnt learn to tollerate them. We cant bloomin win so may aswell just do what feels right at the time. I'd love for morgan to have a bit of puree turkey on christmas day!
Liv has solids and is such a happy little baby. She isn't as sick as she used to be or anything so I think I made the right choice x

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I thin kyou'll know when your baby is ready. As meeah said, she started giving livi solids earlier than they say but shes a perfectly happy baby. Deffinately do as your baby wants :)
I think we'll be trying bits and pieces over the next few weeks, he's definately interested in food, he's already gummed a bit tomato and loved it, just the juice mind. Meah what did you try first?
I tried baby rice but she wasn't interested at all so I got some apple and blackcurrant porridge and it's still her favourite. And she loves the purée fruit pots x

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i just gotta say i love everyone's avatars!!! so many beautiful babies, perhaps the next generation will all be modelling!!

Riley is fine! he is a very hungry baby, and in fact on hungry baby, aptamil haha. he going to sleep about 7-8 and waks up about 6-7 (so i should be sleeping but i'm wide awake!) he is a proper mummy boy and listens/watches out for me in any room. he whines at his dad until i come in the room he loves him soo much though, daddy and Riley do the scary playtime and i do the safe playtime! he loves his Nana, Grandad and great Grandad!

we're letting him taste different things now and he keeps watching us eat so i think he'll be on roast dinners in no time hehe. glad to hear everyone has a nice little routine already :) xx
I just wanted to say hi! I havent spoken to some of you in ages. Evajo and melio.. in my head you should both still be pregnant!
Cian is only 8 weeks old today.... and its gone so quickly... yet at the same time, being in hospital seems like YEARS AGO!
Glad youre all well x
Aw Leanne I know what you mean about being in hosp feels like agesss ago!!! Can't believe how fast time flies and how many of us have our ickle routines already!! Xxx
Its scary. I mean, two months is nothing... and I always hated being pregnant, it just doesn't work for me, Im not one of the ones who "glows" etc.... yet, I kind of already can't really remember how uncomfortable and sore I always was!
Cians been kicking off today... but he had his first immunisation yesterday so I think he might just be in a foul mood because of that. I couldn't take him, i've never even take my daughter for an injection, her dads always been made to go. Im such a wimp!
Yourenot a wimp leanne, Cahal has first on Tuesday and I'm dreading it!!

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