how does your baby sleep?


Well-Known Member
May 23, 2007
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just wondering if your baby sleeps on their back?

edward has never slept on his back in bed.. he always rolls on his side.. even if i put him flat on his bakc hes on his side in seconds...hes getting to the stage now that hes rolling onto his tummy and sleeping with his head to the side.. how can i stop him doing it? we have a memory foam matterss and im worried he will sorta sink into it lol.. i know he isnt heavy enough to actually sink into it.. but id rather him not do it ayways.. ideas??
if he's at the age where he can roll then it is safe to leave him. otherwise i would perhaps roll up a small blanket/towel and put it right up against his tum so he can't roll forward
not really coz hes like a lil puppy nuzzling up to its mam.. hes right under me half the time.. i go to turn over and his head under me lol..was thinking of making one of those things for him to lay on.. but then i can hardly bf him with that thing between us
waa-waa's always slept on her back! except the other day when she fell asleep watching phillip & fern- i got a video to post of that i thought it was cute! lol.
Isaac's always slept in lots of different positions, his fave being right under my armpit or nose to nose, he loves to be close sometimes :lol: If you're not happy, find something that works so you are, you need to sleep easy as does he, very best wishes finding what works for you both :hug: :hug: :hug:
Lilys always on her back but she doesnt sleep in bed with me never has. She loves being on her tummy though, so in the day when I can keep an eye on her I let her. SHe cant roll yet so I would never let her sleep on her tummy at night uintil she can.
I cant find it right now but there are things you can get to stop them rolling hun.

O always slept on his side, I bet I can count the times he has slept on his back on 1 hand, then when he could roll he went on to his tummy all the time so we ended up just leaving him and now he still sleeps on his tummy or his side and never on his back so tbh hun I would just leave him


babies generally prefer to sleep on their tummies, as they sleep more soundly and deeply - this was why the advice was changed to put baby on their back as it was believed that the baby was sleeping too soundly to regulate their breathing. So most babies will sleep on their front when they are fully able to roll over. Seren was always doing it and I just left her to it. Cally prefers to sleep on her side which is the secxond best position if they don't want to sleep on their back

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