I think if you are happy with it and it feels right then of course its the right thing to do
Moving at any time is hard enough, moving when almost due it worse.
I got a real bee in my bonnet about moving house when I was about 3 months PG. We had decided (OH felt it was the better option) to stay where we were till LO was about 6 months old. Although I agreed as time went on I felt the house would not be suitable and the fact his mother is over from Austrlia this summer would have meant more to worry about. So I just started looking around and we fell for the first house we saw!
We moved when I was 5 months pregnant and it was bloody hard work even then, I was exhusted. Even though everyone else did most of it, I still insisited on packing all our stuff etc as I didn't want anyone else riffling through it and wanted to know exactly what was where.
I drove OH mad I think but he was brilliant and organised moving furniture etc. Unpacking at the other end took me too long as I wasn't able to list lots of things etc so kept having to wait for OH to do stuff for me. All in all after about 3 weeks of this trickle of things being done I finally cracked. Cried, sobbed and wailed and it was then done that weekend
Now we are settled in hubby says it was the right decision to move when we did rather than later on. But that works for us in our situation. We are closer to where his office is based, I quit my job, we have a detached house at the end of a half mile farm track and no immediate neighbours. Houses like that don't come up often so we were really lucky.
I think holding off and waiting till your LO is here and a bit older is a good thing at this point. Like you said you are settled, know the house and feel comfortable with it all. Those are the most important things and so long as you are happy then