House Dilemas**update on 1st posty change of plan**


Well-Known Member
Aug 3, 2007
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Well the good news is that I got accepted for the house....bad news is if I pass the references (which I should ) moving date will be in 4 weeks :shock:

Can I really move and have a baby at the same brain is hurting from thinking and worrying :wall:

The new house is bigger than mine, safer for a baby and opposite my Dads house - if I needed them I could walk to their front door in my Jams! I'll be living on my own with bubs you see as OH is living at his Mums at least until next year at the earliest and it seems the best option. I love my house where I am now, its right on a park but I dont drive and I'll be so close to help if I need it.

I'll have all the family help me to move and re-build furniture and stuff, all I have to do is pack really and do all the paperwork and sort out all the bills and change over. I think Im just worried as baby could arrive at any time and as Im in nesting mode I want everything to be done and just perfect for his arrival. His nursery is all done upstairs and if I move it wont be. I think Im prob being silly.....What would you do? PLEASE HELP A PREGNANT INDECISIVE WORRIER :lol:


Well I woke up this morning and Ive made an executive decision :shock: Im staying put in my house where I am now. My instinct is just telling me that I should stay here. When I think about moving I feel really tense and something just doesnt sit right with me. God please just excuse me while I justify my decision to myself :rotfl: It takes me such a long time to settle somewhere and I think that moving on top of becomming a Mummy without OH being there Id get so so depressed. Ive pictured myself with baby here, things we can do etc etc and Im 110% happy with that but I just cant imagine being at the other place. Im also the sort of person who needs everything sorted and done right NOW. I cant wait a day for OH to come around and build furniture or put shelves up etc...I do it myself. I was a nightmare for 2 months when we first moved to this house where there was so much to do and I wanted it all done at once. Being preggo and not being able to get things done myself will frustrate me beyond belief! :wall: :wall:

God I waffle :oops: Sorry :oops:

I feel relaxed now though, something better will come along at a better time and I'll know when its right as I will have no doubts :D
if it was me id move now as yep the baby will be due any ay but atleast then you can get settled with him right away and not have to worry about moving in a few months time with him.
manda xx
I think you should go for it!
I completely understand your hesitation, I would want to be sorted and settled ASAP, especially at 34 weeks preggers...however.....
baby may not arrive until 42 weeks (not wishing that on you though :) ) and if he does make an early arrival, I am sure your family will rally round and get you sorted and settled when the time comes to move.

The benefits of a bigger, better house near to your family will be worth a few weeks of being unsettled.

Good luck!! :hug:
thats so true, thankyou girls. I think Im just needing reassuring words and thats exactly what you've given me! It will be harder to move when baby is here or has been here a few months as I'll be even more tired :sleep: I'll just be brave and go for it!

aww great news sarah!!

i defo think you should go for it, the pros will defo outweigh the cons in the end :hug:

:cheer: great news hun..I say go for it too!! If you haven't had LO in 4 weeks then when you move you will be in MAJOR nesting mode and the house will be sorted in no time...I bet your OH and family will help you loads too. It will be great to start Lo life in a nice house near to your family..
The house sounds lovely and it sounds as though you'd have plenty folk to help you out with the move so go for it! :hug:
Tillytots - I painted my stairs, hall and landing at the weekend at over 39 weeks gone. I still feel fine and will soon be 40 weeks gone! I know there are alot of people who suffer through the last month but it isn't awful for everyone - I've found I have way too much energy since going on maternity leave. If you've been ok so far don't presume you'll be laid up at 38+ weeks. Also your Dad will probably help you to death with moving - my dad is 70 plus but insists on carrying EVERYTHING if he's around me!

With good support I reckon go for it because being in a house you're happy with is SO important - I've bottomed this place 'cos I suddenly felt unhappy and needed it to be right.
Go for it :D Will it be near to your OH's Mums house too?

And congrats on getting the house :cheer:
It sounds as though you have wonderful support around you, I would deffo go for it, better now that in a few weeks when babe is here.

I moved back from Ireland with 6 kiddies in tow - the youngest was 4 months old - and full house contents and emptied the van in 5 hours ready for collection next morning so this just be a pinch of salt for you!!!

Good luck and congratulations on your new home!!! :hug: :hug:
Go for it babe...will give u something to occupy u if baby is taking its time! :hug: :hug:
You were really excited about the house before so I'm sure you should go for it :hug:

It is a scary thought, moving when baby is due. We want to have everything ready but remember that baby won't notice. And if you've got friends and family who will do all the active side of things for you then you have nothing to worry about.

Yay, new house :dance: :cheer: :dance:
Thjanks girls, It will all work out ok I think but its just SOOOOOO scary :shock: I bet baby will be here before I move anyway LOL, I'll handle it & Im sure Ive had bigger challenges although Im not sure what :lol:

Its further away from OH's Mums which is a down point, OH doesnt drive either but he used to walk to my Dads everyday...its a 20min walk and he says he deosnt mind. At the mo Im 10 mins away from him. The only other downside is its only definately available until May next year, whereas the house Im in is potentially a long let. I am a bit worried about what Im going to do if I cant find a house next year :think:
If it were me i would definately go for it. The house sounds great :) Even if you only get a year in the house it seems worth it having your family close by especially with you having little one to look after.

If you know when the let will be up for definate just plan to look for another property in plenty of time.
you'l be fine- start packing now and it will give you something to pass the time. :dance:
:hug: :hug:

I think staying put is a good idea. I wouldn't fancy moving on top of having a newborn.

I'm finding it bad enough living in a house that STILL isn't decorated properly :x

Going with your gut instinct is the best move i think.
:hug: :hug: :hug:
What's most important is what you feel is best for you so well done on the decision making :) It's always good to go with your instincts xx
LOL - Im so bad at making decisions so Im quite pleased that Ive done it :lol:

Im all happy again now and just sooooo looking forward to being a Mummy and enjoying another Summer at this house with my baby :cheer: :cheer:

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