hot sweaty mess


Well-Known Member
Jan 27, 2013
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I'm so uncomfortable!!

Woke up in the night loads covered in sweat and aching allover :(

I am absolutely huge and finding it hard to bloody walk - just had to get a taxi for less than a mile walk!! Cramps, pelvic pain and just a sweaty fat mess to be honest!

I feel like my not-so-little man is growing and I'm going through a growth spurt too! so tight and itchy wahhhh

I need to moan on here or think my boyfriend will leave me if I say anything else haha!

If I have any more children I am definitely going to try and plan to have a winter baby lol...

anyone else feeling like the michelin man walking round wrapped in clingfilm? xx
at least you don't have long to go lol! xx
Could still be 4 weeks ahhh :( lolol..

But i rememer being 30/31wks any thinking how can i seriously last the remainder of this pregnancy!!

Hopefully ull have urs a few weeks early hun ;) xx
ive got everything crossed for that! 37 weeks and I want him oooooot! haha xx
Yes I feel awful too. I can shower 3 times a day but still smell myself. Really feeling big and awful.
So bring on the 37 weeks! xx
I am with you all on this one, feel like I move so much slower than before, a bit like a snail!!! The warm nights at the moment are a really bad, struggling to sleep as it is so warm.
I totally agree a summer baby is hard work. Legs and feet swollen, going through panty liners like they are going out of fashion, back and pelvis killing (including groins), up 3-4 times a night for a wee. It will be all worth the hard work.
pnatyliners and deoderant are definatly being bought more of glowing completely agree with you on the night and i now have anew one to add last night i was sick three times and today twice also not enjoying the taste of foods but generally feeling big hot n sweaty!
funny isnt it as i feel exactly the same tonight jsut posted thread about eating and that i feel massive! and worried how iw ill get full term
I am still working in city so commuting and for first time i actually feel self conscious coz bump is just plain big and i cant walk fast anymore
no air con on train today so clammy face
had to carry laptop to station so i could work at home tomorrow was laden down with bags and just looked like a whale
i dont know how big i am going to be in a few weeks
my calves feel massive!
my size 12 maternity trousers too small
my lower back well its my main symptom it hurts like hell
but................. surely its all going to be worth it

how did your baby shower go am a bit behind on news this week/xxx
size 12?? bitch! I'm in 16s now.... was a 12 pre pregnancy - I am feeling enormous!

My baby shower was really good fun - my mum did invite too many people so it was a bit awkward at first but got better as the day went on. I got sooooooo many presents! for me and baby - his wardrobe is literally heaving with clothes and drawers full of wipes/creams etc.... teddys everywhere etc - so the message of the story... have a shower, lots of free stuff!! haha

My mum also baked a cake which was in the shape of a huge pair of boobs with a huge bump in a dress lol... charming!

Are you having one? xxx
Im now.into.size.14.hun believe not doing it.

Ahhh sounds. Like u had a.fab day u lucky thing as knew u wasnt looking forward to it. I was doing. A.bbq thing here but id be 38 weeks.and tbh think its too much as.only date I can do so gonna invite friends for afternoon tea.
Im quite low.key iin that I dont expect presents but pretty sure ill get some? .... I really just. Want all my friends. Together. Xxx
Hi Ladies!

I FEEL FOR YOU!! I am trying not to moan but we are having a heat wave here and have minimum 35° with humidty (it is hotter here than the rest of Europe!) I have no air con at home, just venitlators and feel like I am going into serious melt down. AAAAARRRRGGGHHHHH..............
Bump has just sprouted and I have CANKLES!!! :shock:

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