hospital stay


Well-Known Member
Oct 27, 2011
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How long are you planning to stay in hospital if everything goes to plan I was think a couple of days because its my first and im a bit clueless its a midwife led unit im planning to have her at and they are aparently really good a teaching you the basics, also any mummys to be who have already had one or mote how long did you stop in with your first? Xx
I didn't know you could choose to stay in for more then needed? I remember reading that in NHS hospitals it's only a 6hr stay if everything goes to plan.. this doesn't sound like long at all to me! I'd be so scared! If they let me leave that quick, I'll end up thinking "Are you sure I'm allowed to take this baby with me? Is there a test I need to take?" haha :D
where I am they don't let you stay longer than 4 days if there is nothing wrong but u can leave as soon as you want (within reason) or stay in a few days untill you feel ready to go home. A midwife told me than when she had her baby she felt like she was stealing him she couldn't belive she was being alowed to go home in charge of a baby xxx
where I am they don't let you stay longer than 4 days if there is nothing wrong but u can leave as soon as you want (within reason) or stay in a few days untill you feel ready to go home. A midwife told me than when she had her baby she felt like she was stealing him she couldn't belive she was being alowed to go home in charge of a baby xxx

That's what I keep thinking! You go in to have the baby, then they just let you leave with it! Crazy!

I don't want to be in hospital for very long, never spent a full night there and the thought of doing so scares me! But if I need to then fair enough!
I was thinking 1 night, maybe 2 depending how things go. I'm going to a midwife unit, and when we were at the open day they said, most people think they're gonna want to stay a few days, but end up leaving after 1 night.
I'm one of these people that's always in hospital since this time last year IV spent 3 seperate weeks in hospital plus the odd visit here and there so they don't bother me too much. My friend did say she went home earlier than planned because she couldn't sleep when ever her LO slept there was always somebody elses crying. Think I might plan for 2 days but play it by here and see how we go xx
With my first, I had a one night stay. I had him at 7pm and then was out by 10am the next day. If I'd have had him early enough, I would've wanted to go the same day. Same with this one, I'll want to leave asap (same day if I have him early enough) and I've wrote that in my birth plan. I don't like staying in hospitals. I'd also want to get back home to Thomas this time round so it's even more urgent that I leave with my baby asap. x
You definitely don't get to chose how long you stay at my hospital. Basically if you give birth in the morning and everything's ok you go home in the afternoon. If you give birth in the evening you go home in the morning. I'm not sure what the plan is for me cos hopefully I'll be a VBAC. I know even after a c section it's only 2-3 days then you're out.

Don't forget you have midwife and health visitor visiting you practically every day. Waking you and LO up at the ungodly hour of 11am etc
With my first i really wanted to be in/out asap as i hate hospitals!! But she pooed inside me and i was stitched to high heaven so had to stay in, she was born at 00.45am on the monday an we came home on the wednesday lunch time ( i made sure id had my dinner first!)

With my 2nd i had planned on staying in a few days if i could BUT she was born on the 21st dec (8.48am) so i decided to come home asap again but again she'd pooed inside so we came home lunch time on the 22nd (if it hadnt have been so close to xmas or the fact my pops was at home dying id have stayed longer, plus had a 5yr old at home too)

Have been told with this one being number 3 i can be in/out within 6hrs, not sure i want to tho as it was quite nice having a night just me and bubs (and the 4 other women on the ward!)

The other thing you mentioned re letting you take babies home it feels really strange lol with my 1st i had to show mw's i could bath her before they'd discharge me (some of my friends had to show how to make a bottle up too)

With my 2nd the mw came over, wrote "second time mum ~ competent" on the list of things they should show you and walked away!!! Oh sorry she told me not to lift the baby bath full of water n that was it!

So god knows this time ill prob delivery myself ya know it being my 3rd n all hahaha

(sorry for long rambling post) xxx
As far as I'm aware they make u leave ASAP or your taking a bed up!!
My maternity ward will get you out within 6 hours of having baby so long as everything has gone ok. No matter when you leave, whether it be 6 hours or two days, the idea of taking your baby home is daunting. But I reckon instintcs will kick in and I'd much rather be at home with baby and hubby bonding then being at hospital.xx

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