Hospital Bag


Well-Known Member
Apr 13, 2010
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Have you packed your hospital bag yet? If not when do you plan on doing it? x
To be honest I haven't packed mine yet! But I've put the majority of what I need together in the cot and it will be my husbands job to pack it at the necessary time!
I think pack it when you feel ready to, I'm useless at packing so always get my husband to organise stuff like this and at least he will know where everything is when I'm in too much pain to care!
I am panning to do it at around 32 weeks maybe?
I've got my bag, and most of the stuff to go in it - and I will concentrate on packing it when the workmen have gone next week!!! But then I'm the type of person that packs and repacks a million times for a weeks holiday!!!
Mines pretty much done, need to put clothes for me to come home in there and pack OHs little bag to keep him entertained and fed lol!

Using tapatalk so excuse the typos!
I had all the stuff for mine from around 28 weeks because I had a friend go into labour early and she was adamant I should be prepared. It was packed properly at about 35 weeks and now we're all ready to go.
I REALLY need to do mine, had planned on doing it last week or the week before as my DD was born at 34 weeks. Last week came and went and I still haven't done it! Think I might make a start................x
I had mine all packed and sitting ready to go from about 30ish weeks, then remembered I hadn't washed LO's clothes yet, so its now sitting half packed in my living room. I really should get to it soon lol x
Plan to have hubby pack it, he loves packing things. Probably when I am 39 weeks LOL
Mine is now packed, it was virtually done, but after I had some BH on Monday night it gave me a kick up the bum to finish it! lol!
I dunno when am going to do mine x
I had mine done by about 33 weeks but had to go through and check it all last night and practically re-packed it all over again as had forgotten stuff.
I started gathering bits and bobs, and then went a final shop and got the rest of the stuff on my list and packed it at about 35 weeks, and have packed all babies stuff in the free changing bag from boots, that can stay in the car and my bf can pop out and get it.cxx
I packed it before 28 weeks, but then when I spent a night in hospital I realised that there was stuff I needed to add due to a miserable night in hospital. I now have 3 bags packed and waiting.
I've had mine packed for about 5 weeks now, convinced LO was going to make an early appearance, but I'm still sat here pregnant! Glad I'm organised with it though! :)

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I have nearly finished mine, just need to pack LO's clothes when I get round to washing them which I am planning to do this weekend. x
iv just done it yestaday left it a bit late lol
I started mine at 30ish weeks just got to pack oh a spare change of clothes but might leave that as my spare bits bag in his car (spare pj's for me more nappies etc) u think I'm done except camera and phone!
I've got my hospital bag and went shopping yesterday for everything to go in it.. Planning on packing it properly in a couple of weeks time xx
My MW is coming around tomorrow to have a birth chat with me and go through what i need to bring, so i shall start packing it then and get it all done next week. I expect i'll have to go shopping for a few bits and pieces.


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