Hospital bag-must have re-packed 10 times!!

Little Bump

Well-Known Member
Jul 21, 2008
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This hospital lark is sooooo stressful!! I have to take my bag to my scan tomorrow 'just in case' and I must have packed/unpacked/repacked 10 times this morning already! :wall:

The worst is the baby stuff, I'm umming and ahhing over which damned sleepsuits to take! I have a couple of plain and a couple of patterned packed, then I change my mind....I treated myself to a lovely BFing nightie mail order and I'm hoping that it arrives with the postie soon, or they keep baby inside tomorrow....I really want to wear it at hospital lol

I've packed it again and at 12.30 when OH gets home for lunch I shall put it in the boot of his car so that I can't touch it again I think....He's only working 10 minutes walk from home, and is only driving so he can get home quicker if LO decides to come anyway, so it's not like I'd be stuck without it should I go into labour this afternoon-he'd be here before anything happened.

I just need something to take my mind off my hospital bag for the next half an hour :rotfl:
Sam im the same, mine has been re-packed a hundred times lol

I started with one bag and realised it wouldnt all go in so have had to use Archies changing bag aswell lol

At least it passes the time doing it lol

Hope your order has come. I just bought PJ's with a button up top for after lol Jacob wouldnt pay for the 'real' ones lol
I didn't want to pay for real ones either lol but then I am a tight wad...all I could think was OMG that's a weeks haylage!! I couldn't find any I liked that buttoned up, and I thought sod it I'm treating myself, so ner!

Followed by overwhelming guilt!!

How are you feeling today?
You're not going on holiday love! lol :rotfl:

Just pack essentials, a nice babygrow and a couple of norm ones...

you'll be fine! :hug:
I still haven't packed mine once yet!!!! :oops: :oops:

We're hoping for a homebirth but I want to have a bag ready just in case we get taken in. I've got one packed for baby and I've thrown a pair of PJ's and a nightie into a bad for me with some maternity pads and that's as far as I've got...... I really need to get it done.

Which reminds me... I need to get my birth plan written up too!
Sh*t Chrissy you just reminded me-I have no maternity pads :rotfl:

I was so enthralled by all the different breast pads the other week I totally forgot the maternity ones...

I may pop out to Tesco...I don't think my panty liners will cut it somehow...
I wouldn't worry Chrissy, I'm still not totally packed yet :lol: All Oscar's things are packed and most of mine although I don't have snacks and I need to go to Tescos for batteries for the camera. Also toiletries I won't pack until last minute because I will be using them up until then.
Chrissy1 said:
I still haven't packed mine once yet!!!! :oops: :oops:

We're hoping for a homebirth but I want to have a bag ready just in case we get taken in. I've got one packed for baby and I've thrown a pair of PJ's and a nightie into a bad for me with some maternity pads and that's as far as I've got...... I really need to get it done.

Which reminds me... I need to get my birth plan written up too!

In idea for you if hoping for a homebirth. I did it and it worked for hubby and MW as was easy to find everything we needed/wanted.

Pack hossie bag for you and LO as if you are going to hospital regardless. Include pads, baby clothes, nappies, cotton wool, toiletries for you, nighties, towels, snacks, nursing bra/bra... Leave a change of clothes out on the bed for yourself so if you do have to go to hospital your OH can just throw them in on top and grab the bag.

Of course keep some snacks and drinks out for yourself for at home :)

Then if you do give birth at home you can simply direct OH or MW to the bag and everything you need for baby and yourself is in there and no one has to run around trying to find things like the towels to wrap baby in or the sleepsuits or pads for you etc. I realised even if I told hubby where everything was for LO and myself chances are he'd still not be able to lay hands on it all when it was needed in a hurry. So felt it was better everything was in the holdall and he could just rummage in there. Meant none of my nice towels got used and all the things for LO were there ready. Worked really well for us.

I could have laid everything out on the bed or in the spare room also but felt at least if the bag was packed and we had to transfer OH could just grab it and I'd know all the things I wanted were in there.
Sherlock said:
Chrissy1 said:
I still haven't packed mine once yet!!!! :oops: :oops:

We're hoping for a homebirth but I want to have a bag ready just in case we get taken in. I've got one packed for baby and I've thrown a pair of PJ's and a nightie into a bad for me with some maternity pads and that's as far as I've got...... I really need to get it done.

Which reminds me... I need to get my birth plan written up too!

In idea for you if hoping for a homebirth. I did it and it worked for hubby and MW as was easy to find everything we needed/wanted.

Pack hossie bag for you and LO as if you are going to hospital regardless. Include pads, baby clothes, nappies, cotton wool, toiletries for you, nighties, towels, snacks, nursing bra/bra... Leave a change of clothes out on the bed for yourself so if you do have to go to hospital your OH can just throw them in on top and grab the bag.

Of course keep some snacks and drinks out for yourself for at home :)

Then if you do give birth at home you can simply direct OH or MW to the bag and everything you need for baby and yourself is in there and no one has to run around trying to find things like the towels to wrap baby in or the sleepsuits or pads for you etc. I realised even if I told hubby where everything was for LO and myself chances are he'd still not be able to lay hands on it all when it was needed in a hurry. So felt it was better everything was in the holdall and he could just rummage in there. Meant none of my nice towels got used and all the things for LO were there ready. Worked really well for us.

I could have laid everything out on the bed or in the spare room also but felt at least if the bag was packed and we had to transfer OH could just grab it and I'd know all the things I wanted were in there.

Cheers Sherlock.....that's kind of my plan

I'm terrible for having a place for everything and everything in it's place and I know I'd spend ages telling DH where this and that was so my theory is, if it's all ready in the bag I would take to the hospital he'll know where to find it without me having to shout at him... :rotfl: :rotfl:

Mildly - Still not packed yet!! :shock: :shock: Goodness girl.. you'll be running around while you're in labour finishing it all off. I've ended up buying just some mini bottles of toiletries just so I can stick them in the bag for if I need them. Hopefully the home birth will come off and I can save them for my next holiday instead :wink:

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