hospital bag-check list


Well-Known Member
May 19, 2007
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Hi i was just wondering if i've left anything off my list :D

For me
-maternity notes
-Books or magazines
-Snacks and drinks
- camera
- 2 front opening nightdresses
-dressing gown
-nursing bra
-Old or disposable pants and maternity Towels.
-Toilet bag

For the baby
- newborn nappies
-2 or 3 sleepsuits
-2 or 3 vests
-some warm clothes
- muslin cloths
-baby car seat
someone told me to pack nice fluffy socks for labour as your feet always get freezing
You pretty much have everything there.
What about ear plugs. When your baby is asleep others might not.
I would take quite a few pj's too, I got peed on a few times by Joe. Everytime I took the nappy off he aimed at me quicker than I could cover it.

Good luck :hug:
annem said:
Hi i was just wondering if i've left anything off my list :D

For me
-maternity notes
-Books or magazines
-Snacks and drinks
- camera
- 2 front opening nightdresses
-dressing gown
-nursing bra
-Old or disposable pants and maternity Towels.
-Toilet bag

For the baby
- newborn nappies
-2 or 3 sleepsuits
-2 or 3 vests
-some warm clothes
- muslin cloths
-baby car seat

You: breast pads, nipple cream, birth plan, mobile phone & charger, warm socks
Baby: cotton wool, hat, scratch mitts, blanket (for leaving hospital)
the additions sound great! and also if u have decent looking old knickers go with them.. if not just buy some cheap ones..

charlotte had a comming out of hospital dress.. i dont know if i will bother with a comming out of hospital outfit (as we want a home birth) plus we are on team green. so i think i will just pack the snow suit..coz its gonna be very very chilly if we have to go into hospital..(januray)
deffo take a few pairs of warm socks, my feet were frozen during labour and the socks got covered in blood so make sure you take spares for when you're moved on to the ward xx
i hadnt even thought that far ahead..... i dont even have a bag to put the stuff in..... * rapidly getting a pen and paper to copy it all down*
clairescunny55 said:
deffo take a few pairs of warm socks, my feet were frozen during labour and the socks got covered in blood so make sure you take spares for when you're moved on to the ward xx

:shock: :shock: :shock: how did your socks get covered in blood??????
clairescunny55 said:
god knows, there was blood everywhere so im packing spares of everything lol

It looks like a cattle slaughter house after you've given birth... I remember my ex going a distinctively "green" in colour when he arrived after Tia was born... and he's an army field medic... So that should tell you how much blood there is :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl:

remember money for food... I remember being starving after I had had Tia, basically I'd run a marathon on an empty stomach... and all I got was a measly teeny weeny bowl of cereal afterwards.

Also take some makeup (conceler, powder and mascara) I know it sounds odd... but EVERYONE wants to take pictures of you with the new arrival... so while the moment after birth isn't important the one the next day where you look like you've gone 10 rounds with Mike Tyson are less appealing, plus the compliments of how motherhood is really suiting you, that you are glowing really perks you up.

Oh yes... and dummies for the baby.. .It might not happen, but if the baby is a sucky baby... the dummies are a lifesaver and you don't have a limpet permanently attached to your boob.
Squiglet said:
clairescunny55 said:
god knows, there was blood everywhere so im packing spares of everything lol

It looks like a cattle slaughter house after you've given birth... I remember my ex going a distinctively "green" in colour when he arrived after Tia was born... and he's an army field medic... So that should tell you how much blood there is :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl:

:shock: :shock: :shock: :shock:

Yous are winding me up.......surely??? I don't remember blood :shakehead:

I've just got my head round a 'natural' birth and now I'm well freaked out again :shock:
Squiglet said:
clairescunny55 said:
god knows, there was blood everywhere so im packing spares of everything lol

It looks like a cattle slaughter house after you've given birth... I remember my ex going a distinctively "green" in colour when he arrived after Tia was born... and he's an army field medic... So that should tell you how much blood there is :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl:

remember money for food... I remember being starving after I had had Tia, basically I'd run a marathon on an empty stomach... and all I got was a measly teeny weeny bowl of cereal afterwards.

Also take some makeup (conceler, powder and mascara) I know it sounds odd... but EVERYONE wants to take pictures of you with the new arrival... so while the moment after birth isn't important the one the next day where you look like you've gone 10 rounds with Mike Tyson are less appealing, plus the compliments of how motherhood is really suiting you, that you are glowing really perks you up.

Oh yes... and dummies for the baby.. .It might not happen, but if the baby is a sucky baby... the dummies are a lifesaver and you don't have a limpet permanently attached to your boob.

I agree with every word of this. (not trying to sound creepy :oops: ) but everything here you will need or want as extra's.
oh yes my socks got blood on them and then my lovely WHITE fluffy dressing gown got dropped in a puddle of it by a midwife.... :shakehead: :shakehead:
i took a red towel with me last time for the shower and i shall be doing the same again this time, lol.
babe trust me you lots of baby vest, baby grows and nappies.

i run out hubby had to get some more. nay did sooo much poo it was un real

oh don't forget get your kinckes :lol:

oh this is when it hits you that it's coming to the end :cheer:

the thing that freaked me out when giving birth in regards to the blood.. was that the hospital was closing the week after i gave birth.. and as i was laying there high on gas n air.. i said to my mum.. is there spots of blood on the celing.. she said yeah a few.. i said how mum.. she said.. prehaps someone had an explosive birth..and mum said after i gave birth there was loads of blood on the floor.. lol.. i didnt see it.. poor people who have to clean that up.:S
Eblinx said:
oh yes my socks got blood on them and then my lovely WHITE fluffy dressing gown got dropped in a puddle of it by a midwife.... :shakehead: :shakehead:
i took a red towel with me last time for the shower and i shall be doing the same again this time, lol.

Taking a red towel thats a really good idea... :think:

I had this fantastic t shirt that had a picture of a pregnant woman on it and the word "pregnant" across the bottom, and I lived in last time.. it was so comfy.. and well that just went red and ended up being disposed off as clinical waste.. :(
lisa&alex said:
the thing that freaked me out when giving birth in regards to the blood.. was that the hospital was closing the week after i gave birth.. and as i was laying there high on gas n air.. i said to my mum.. is there spots of blood on the celing.. she said yeah a few.. i said how mum.. she said.. prehaps someone had an explosive birth..and mum said after i gave birth there was loads of blood on the floor.. lol.. i didnt see it.. poor people who have to clean that up.:S

my friend said after she gave birth blood was everywhere. Yeah i would not fancy being a cleaner in a hospital!!

I did a shop today and just need to get a nursing bra now :D
i have copied your list and saved it on my pc, i'll print it later. thanks for that!
laetitia85 said:
i have copied your list and saved it on my pc, i'll print it later. thanks for that!

yeah its getting there with every1 s help, let me know if you think of anything else

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