Horrible nightmares


Well-Known Member
Apr 4, 2008
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Just wondering... Is anyone else quite frequently having nightmares? About a week ago I dreamt of some girl jumping off somewhere and killing herself and then some bigger kids were beating a small boy. And then 3 days ago I had a dream where I got killed by someone. And then the night after that I was driving around and saw a guy who had hung himself :( And now last night I had a dream where a guy tried to jump off somewhere...
I'm not stressing or anything... Or don't really have any problems. Well I am alone and sometimes feel lonely but it's nothing major. But I keep having these dreams all the time... Just thought if anyone else is having awful dreams?! x
iv had some weird dreams since being pregnant, the ones that kinda repeat themselves is one where i get shoot in the back of the head (near the neck) its horrible, in my dream i can feel it and i wake up instantly, god knows what its about though! it happens in different places and situations :?

i know what you mean about being lonely, i hate it when OH is away and i wake up after a horrible dream

:hug: [/img]
:hug: Im so glad someone else is getting these.

My dreams have got really horrible recently. I dont normally have bad dreams but I usually remember the dreams I do have.

Last night I had one of my OH and me getting caught by this guy and we had to kill him and hide the body or he would kill both of us.

Night before we were on a beach and the waves kept taking us under and then we went to this house and there was loads of really nasty bugs.

Night before that I had a dream that this old man had fallen over and so I went and offered to give him a lift to where ever he needed to go and then he got in the car and he had loads of stuff about me like my passport and bank stuff and then he wouldn't let me go and locked me in this house and some woman was there who was gonna hurt me.

I have loads of ones of people trying to hurt me. Also alot of people comming into our back garden and trying to hurt my little Pip. And alot of them have really nasty Knifes that seems to be the main weapon.
Awww :hug: Thank god I am not the only one. I thought I was going mad. I rarely ever had bad dreams. And now it's pretty much every night. Yes, in my dream I got killed with a huge knife. Awful. And I always wake up so scared, the dreams are so real. The other main thing is that I always get lost. I know where I am but at the same time I don't. Grrr. I want pretty fairytale dreams :rotfl:
I regularly have weird dreams, and have had a fair share of weird scary ones, I'm guessing it's anxiety over protecting ourselves at the moment. Who knows?
OMG i just let my OH read this because he thinks i'm going mad, for the last week i have been waking him up in the middle of the night asking him to come to the toilet with me because of my bad dreams.

And they are the same as yours, i dream that me and Oh have to kill a man and hide the body to stop the police getting us and last night i dreamt that we went into a public toilet and i killed celine dion and my OH had to kill Dr Dre...........LMAO, i know it sounds crazy but im scared stiff to get up and go to the toilet alone.

Glad he read this, now he knows its not just me whos mad.
Haha, you poor thing! :hug: It is awful. I wake up in the middle of the night as well being scared. And I don't have my OH anymore, he moved to Jersey so I am on my own. Not good at all. At least we have reaasured each other that we're not going mad! :clap:
berit87 said:
Haha, you poor thing! :hug: It is awful. I wake up in the middle of the night as well being scared. And I don't have my OH anymore, he moved to Jersey so I am on my own. Not good at all. At least we have reaasured each other that we're not going mad! :clap:

Awww :hug: must be horrible being there on your own. Is he comming back when your Babes here?xx
Yeah, it's not great. It's ok most of the time as I'm getting used to it now but... Sometimes it does feel like I'm alone (well, with my baby) in this world. All of my family live in another country as well so... And to be honest then no, I'm 99.9% sure that he is not going to come back. It was supposed to be a short term project but he just got promotion so... That'd be a no then :oops:
berit87 said:
Yeah, it's not great. It's ok most of the time as I'm getting used to it now but... Sometimes it does feel like I'm alone (well, with my baby) in this world. All of my family live in another country as well so... And to be honest then no, I'm 99.9% sure that he is not going to come back. It was supposed to be a short term project but he just got promotion so... That'd be a no then :oops:

Its horrible to be away from your familly even if your not close. I moved to Ireland for a while and I am not very close to my familly at all but I really missed them, I ended up coming back to England because I missed all of them. Its nice now because I live a 2hour drive away so I'm far enough away to not get annoyed with them but close enough to go visit when I feel like it. :hug: Your very brave for going it alone, theres lots of single mummys about on here and they are all gorgeous and lovely so you will have lots of people to talk tooxxx
nickilubs said:
berit87 said:
Yeah, it's not great. It's ok most of the time as I'm getting used to it now but... Sometimes it does feel like I'm alone (well, with my baby) in this world. All of my family live in another country as well so... And to be honest then no, I'm 99.9% sure that he is not going to come back. It was supposed to be a short term project but he just got promotion so... That'd be a no then :oops:

Its horrible to be away from your familly even if your not close. I moved to Ireland for a while and I am not very close to my familly at all but I really missed them, I ended up coming back to England because I missed all of them. Its nice now because I live a 2hour drive away so I'm far enough away to not get annoyed with them but close enough to go visit when I feel like it. :hug: Your very brave for going it alone, theres lots of single mummys about on here and they are all gorgeous and lovely so you will have lots of people to talk tooxxx

It is horrible indeed, and I am very close to my mum and stepdad and my little brother. Which makes things even more difficult. Might move back before the baby is born or just after, I haven't decided yet... But I'll be fine, what choice do I have. All this struggling will be worth it and I will never be alone again :) xxx
I think it's a pregnancy thing to be honest as like you I've had some crazy dreams this time and i've had them in the past when I've been pregnant. I remember vividly when i was pregnant with Joanna that I had a dream that I went to my doctor who told me I only had 5 months to live, well for the next 5 months I absolutly crapped myself and it really unnerved me. This time round i've had a few dreams but one I remember was the other night when my husband was having an affair on 2 girls and one girl said well what do you expect when you don't give it to him at home, in which I replied I do because at the moment whilst pregnant can't get enough :rotfl: then I kicked my hubby out then realised he was injecting heroin which made me feel sick to the stomoch and I told him once he was clean he could come home and we could sort the other out but I wasnt going to live with a junkie. I had Joanna in the dream and I was also pregnant. Very weired and for the record neither me or hubby do or like drugs.
You poor poor mite!!!

Here have these! No cheese for you before bed!

:hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:

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