Horrible end to the weekend - Upsetting

They have a staff and an american bull dog cross.

Not good dogs to have together with a dog aggressive dog - regardless of breed.

I know the history on Bull type breeds and like you Yodabo my two were absolutely soft as shite.
The neighbours apparantly had something to do with the fight but are keeping quiet at the moment.

His friend is one of these Know all people. She won't be told that staff is dog aggressive. She is under the impression that she will be the boss and the dogs wont fight. She is wrong but I can't do anything to show her this.

Glens staff is alot smaller than her two dogs and I know this is going to cause her to be more assertive which could possibly lead to aggression.

They also have a 6 year old daughter who has been bought up to 'tap' a dog on the nose if it has done something wrong. I don't agree with this one little bit and think she will also get caught in the middle of the dogs - as she also likes to play vets and stuff with them. If a fight broke out and she got hurt then they would come screaming back at glen and me,

I feel like just telling him the best thing would be for his dog to also be put to sleep as she is not suitable for rehoming. The blue cross and places like that round here are overun with staffs and are now putting aggressive dogs to sleep as they can't be rehomed. As horrible as it is for him it might be the best thing for the dog.
Dogs round children scare me :| I know there are people who know how to handle certain breeds correctly but it's not always the case and the risk for me personally (nothing against other peoples choices) is far too great.

Its so sad this has happened though, I would too be devastated :( I hope whatever comes next is best for you all. You do have to consider if the potential new owners are being responsible :D

Omg he has just gone mental at me again for no reason.
I'm in such a state.
It's bad enough that I have lost my doggy but now it seems that all he wants to do is make my life an absolute misery

I don't know what to do
He's feeling bitter that he has to let go of his dog too? :(
So sorry to hear this hun xx How awful for u xx
God, it's heartbreaking. I have dogs myself and love them to bits and can only imagine how hard it all is for you!! ((HUGS))
He has no right to go mental at you.
I love my doggies to pieces even though they live at my mums. I'd hate it for this to happen. I think maybe he is just upset he has to say bye to his companion aswell :hug:
Oh sweet, I hope your ok! Family pets are like proper family so it's so upsetting!! Hope your ok x x
I've been so emotional today. It's awful.
Think he is just upset cos his dog has to go too, but he has to remember that I can never see my dog again so he should be grateful for every minute he has left with her.
God it sounds like you're having an awful time of it Hun!

Big hugs xxxx
I lost my dog in January. She was a staffy bitch and she was my world. I loved her like one of my children so i know how upset you must be :hug:

I actually feel sorry for your OH having to rehome his dog hun. I totally understand why its happening and at least his dog is still alive, but he must be hurting about it. At the end of the day, dogs fight because they are pack animals and they need to establish a pack leader especially when both dogs are the same sex. I had a male and female staff and the female was always the boss but i never left them together unatended because sometimes they would playfight and it could get out of hand.

Your in my thoughts chick. Run free ickle puppy, enjoy the clouds :cry: xx
Ah bonny Im so sorry that is so sad and must be awful for you.....sending you big hugs xxx
Right not been on for a while - I'm still fuming at him.

He hasn't even bothered (as usual) to make any effort with his dog at all.
He hasnt looked to check her little cut on her ear is healing
he hasn't attempted to give her her dinner once
he hasn't thought about taking her for a walk
he hasn't cleaned her mess up from the garden
he hasn't bothered trying to find her a new home

OMG why is he still not caring for his own dog. I did everything for the 2 dogs before i lost my one, and now its hurting me so bad to still be having to sort out his dog because he can't be bothered.

I have to bathe and powder her ear to help it heal - he hasn't even bothered looking at it to see how it is - Actually its nearly healed up as it was only a slight cut and ears always look worse than they really are,

I dread going home at night, because she's not there to greet me
I dread sitting on the sofa, because she's not there to nuzzle into my legs
I dread kissing hubby goodnight, because she's not there to jump up between us

Its just horrible and having his dog there is making it even worse.
I can't stand to look at her - I know its not really her fault that my dog is not here - but I can't help but feel that way towards her.
Awwww bonny....Im sorry your feeling so bad atm but who can blame you......

Would he go mad if you tried to rehome her? Not htat you should but if hes not bothering, and seeing her there is paining you so much then maybe its something you may have to do yourself....

I cant start to understand how your feeling but I know it must be hard for you loosing your dog. I had to rehome my little Shitzhu in Jan and I miss him sooo much so to have lost yours must be so much worse....thinking of you xx
Awwww Bonny, I understand why you're feeling like this hun. It sounds like he needs to pull his finger out and do something to rehome HIS dog. Why does he expect you to look after HIS dog after what happened to your baby? I'd try and rehome it yourself and if he's mad at you just explain you really dont want the dog in the house let alone have to look at it and after it.
Its been 6 month since china (my baby girl staffy) went to play in the clouds and every time i put my key in the door i still expect her to come greet me :cry: Everytime i unexpectadly come across a pic of her i cry my eyes out but i must say the pain does faid. I will miss her and think of her forever but i know she will be happy in doggy heaven and hopefully living her puppy days all over again xx
i'm sorry but that dog needs to be put down, terriers are fighter by breed and if they get a taste for it...

well just imagine how you will both feel if its a little child next time instead of another dog

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