Hormones.. Oh How I loathe you


Well-Known Member
Apr 6, 2010
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So, I was at FOB's the other day. And just chilling out, chatting, watching TV. He had been drinking so was being a bit annoying but nothing that I dont normally find funny.

Next thing I know, Im yelling at him for being a dickhead and picking on me. Then im curled up crying my heart out because I got it into my head that when I see this baby its gonna turn around and pick on me like he was, and im gonna hate it, and put it in a drawer to kill it like in shameless!!

(Note.. FOB just laughed at me. Fair enough, Im laughing about it today)
Ah....hormones...with u there - sounds like the kind of rant I have...oh the joys of pregnancy eh?? xx
totally with u on that I had a similar situ on sat told hubby to get out of my life, he just gave as good as I did though which made me angrier!!!
You know them tshirts that say 0 to bitch in so many seconds . . . well thats me!
Gah I have such bad days with hormones haha!
After my 20 week scan my friends took me out to celebrate that I'm having a boy and throughout the whole night I was a miserable little bitch! I was criticizing my friends' drinking, or flirting, or just anything they did or said. I just kept going on about how everything they did, they did to annoy me LOL! I ended up calling a family member to come pick me up and take me home. XD
Luckily, my friends understood it's just hormones and found it more funny than insulting. So phew! XD
my poor husband gets it every night hes used to it and juts lets me blow off steam and then gives me a big hug while i cry that im sorry kind of routine now, im so much more hormonal with this pregnancy than my 1st i cry at such silly things on tv.
joys of pregnancy, so think im having a girl though my bump is so high altho not sure if that can be counted as a sign. xxx

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