Hormones !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

laura dec 1988

Well-Known Member
Dec 28, 2009
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Hello girls, :dance:

Just wanted to vent some frustration.....lol:wall2:

Basically i've felt over the last 2-3 weeks everything and everyone is p***ing me right off :mad: !!! Im normally the most outgoing friendly chatty person :), but oh no not now, the sound of someone breathing too loud next to me is enough to make me want to kill!! :shock:

Example : Im at work today i work in a insurance call centre. I have a 96 year old lady on the fone tryin to renew her home insurance policy, its difficult anyway as shes deaf bless her. Her dog (something small and yappy) is yapping what seems like right next to her fone and i cant hear a bloody thing, whilst tryin to take payment....then my team leader comes walsin over shouting in my other ear "Laura i need to know what sales you have today, there is nothing on the board for you, come on pull your finger out mrs" Well the old women heard her and hung the fone up after mutterin about finding the company rude!!!:wall2:This is after been on the call with her for over 20 mins, just comfirming her details and discussing the weather and how insurance is going up and ect ect ect :lol:
Well my head just went, i ripped my head set off and just stormed out into the
corridor and burst out crying :roll: sounds silly but i was sooooo mad and frustrated.

Normally i would just tell my t/l she was out of order :x but i wanted to rip her head off :mad: and tell her never to come near me again lol. So basically im like a flippin ragin looney!! Its mad.

Any other pregnant ladies experiencing the same thing??

I'm not pregnant but can still empathise :oooo:

Blooming hormones :( :hug:
I can empathise....woe betide anyone who cuts me up with their trolley in the supermarket again rrrraaahhhhhh!!!!
I got the same last night whilst watching 8 boys and wanting a girl on channel 4od as i missed it first time round :shakehead:
I went from being absolutely livid :mad: to crying my eyes out :cry:and rubbing bump wayy to much ( bubba was not amused)

I forgot how crazy the hormones make you x
I just honked someone in my car because they were blocking the way, normally I'm far too timid for anything like that lol!
Im like an old dragon you no lol. I shouted a bloke in the shop the other day for standing on my toe haha normally i would have just smiled and said its fine dont worry lol


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