Hormone Rant


Well-Known Member
Feb 26, 2012
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:cry:Hey Ladies,

Ive been staying at my mums this weekend as shes gone to amsterdam with her partner and ive had to look after my little sisters (10 and 19 years old) i have never been so stressed in my whole life and i know its not good for baby but i cant help but get angry!
It started with the ten year old coming on and crying about every little thing and my 19 year old sister has been so lazy hasnt bothered to help me all weekend ive had to cook for them clean the house and she hasnt lifted a finger!
I just feel like it would have been nice as im pregnant and so tired all the time!
Sorry for the rant but i cant help but get upset when no one bothers!
Oh also my mum has two staffies who have thought its funny to wee and poo at night and im left to clean it all up!
So stressed its a joke just needed to vent thanks for reading!:mad:
Also im meant to be staying here for a few days when ive had the baby so i have a bit of support as OH wants to go back to work asap but im now thinking that would be a really bad idea as i dont want to be stressed out and fighting with my sisters when the babies here i dont want my baby around any shouting!
I'd tell ur 19 year old sister to get up off her lazy ass and do something!!
U know why she's not doing anything? Cuz she doesn't have to!! Its actually ridiculous that u have to go to ur mums to take care of a 19yr old in the first place!
When I was 16, my parents went away for the weekend, and from then they took regular breaks and holidays without me. My brothers would check and make sure I was ok and had everything, but I was able to take care of myself.

I'm actually angry thinking about this 19yr old!! I bet she wants to be treated like an adult when it suits her?!

As I said, as long as u (and ur mum, for that matter) keep doing everything for her, she'll never learn to do anything for herself.

I'd hand her the mop and bucket and tell her to hop to it! X

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I'd tell ur 19 year old sister to get up off her lazy ass and do something!!
U know why she's not doing anything? Cuz she doesn't have to!! Its actually ridiculous that u have to go to ur mums to take care of a 19yr old in the first place!
When I was 16, my parents went away for the weekend, and from then they took regular breaks and holidays without me. My brothers would check and make sure I was ok and had everything, but I was able to take care of myself.

I'm actually angry thinking about this 19yr old!! I bet she wants to be treated like an adult when it suits her?!

As I said, as long as u (and ur mum, for that matter) keep doing everything for her, she'll never learn to do anything for herself.

I'd hand her the mop and bucket and tell her to hop to it! X

Sent from my BlackBerry 9800 using Tapatalk

Haha thanks for this really made me laugh! I know i will be telling my mum when she gets home! 19 is not even young i had to do everything when i was 19 for myself! at least i know im not being silly!
I agree! She needs a wake up call. Do you have a garden that the dogs could be put in?

Also don't make the 19yr old dinner if she isn't going to help clean up.

At 19 I was living on my own looking after myself, working and paying bills etc, firm but fair lessons are required here I think.

I agree also that you prob should stay there when your LO is born, it could potentially be very stressful.
I'd tell ur 19 year old sister to get up off her lazy ass and do something!!
U know why she's not doing anything? Cuz she doesn't have to!! Its actually ridiculous that u have to go to ur mums to take care of a 19yr old in the first place!
When I was 16, my parents went away for the weekend, and from then they took regular breaks and holidays without me. My brothers would check and make sure I was ok and had everything, but I was able to take care of myself.

I'm actually angry thinking about this 19yr old!! I bet she wants to be treated like an adult when it suits her?!

As I said, as long as u (and ur mum, for that matter) keep doing everything for her, she'll never learn to do anything for herself.

I'd hand her the mop and bucket and tell her to hop to it! X

Sent from my BlackBerry 9800 using Tapatalk

I am so glad you said this, I was just about to say the same :)

Maybe you could have your other sister come and stay with you instead the 10 year old as opposed to you staying there.

I had moved out of home at 16 and was completely self sufficient, blimey!

I want to be 19 and waited on this time lol :)

Maybe you could have your other sister come and stay with you instead the 10 year old as opposed to you staying there.

Brilliant idea!!!!! You don't need to be and shouldn't be running round after someone who is more than capable of looking after themselves. Take and 10 yr old home with you today and then your older sister can look after herself, she is legally an adult!
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Are you sure they are 10 and 19 and not 1 & 9? My 13 year old is doing more around the house than me atm (not normal behaviour, she wants money and I'm unwell, but still!), your Mum should have been able to leave your younger sister with the older one anyway and not get poor you involved.

I agree, take your little sister home with you (and it wouldn't her to help you out either) and leave the 19 year old to clean up after the dogs (or not and suffer the wrath of your Mum)
I would of bitch slapped the 19 year old!

Then again I left home at 15 and had to defend myself in a hostel for a few years before moving in with my husband at 17 (got married at 20)

However since I was old enough to wash up, hold a vacum and hold a duster I was forced to do so.
Woe befell me if my parents came home from work on a Friday and the living room wasn't up to there cleaning standerds!
Yet my brother is like that 19 year old and had to do sweet FO :/ Peed me off it did.

Look after the 10 year old and dogs (be VERY firm with the dogs) but let the 19 year old look after herself. Like others say - she's an adult.

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