Hormone levels: help!!!


Well-Known Member
Aug 12, 2014
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This is my 4th pregnancy all other ending in early MC.
I had a scan and my bloods taken on Monday as I had spotting but not pain.
They scan showed a growing sac but no baby as of yet. I have irregular periods which results in not being able to guess how many weeks I am. But I'm sure I ovulated on the 10may, which makes me 5weeks 3days. My bloods came back hcg:14,000 and progesterone 49.5. The nurse didn't seem concerned but am I right in saying this is pretty high at just 5 weeks pregnant. Now I'm worried that yhis is all over again for me. I have had no bleeding or pains since the spotting which was hardly noticeable I just worry. Anyone else's levels allot higher than supposed to be?

Sorry for the lame question but I'm crapping myself now.

Any advice appreciated.

Thank you x
seems very good levals ! I had a early scan was about 6 weeks seen little dot and hb ,was told hcg levals need to be over 1000 for anything to be seen !! do you have a follow up scan
I do yes. On Monday. They could only see the sack, now I'm deffo worrying. What a nightmare.
My scan at 5+3 was a sac & yolk sac that was it..

But baby was there at 7+4 xx
try not to worry was most likely to early
Thank you ladies. It's just my hormones are so high it's weird not to see anything. I was asked if we had twins in either families which we don't. Hmmm. I'm trying not to worry.
i think 6 weeks is the norm to see
Try not to worry. 5w 3d is very early to see much. If the nurse wasnt concerned, then Id try not to worry either.
Do you have a follow up scan booked in the next couple of weeks?
I also thought with hormones, the higher the better?

We are in a similar boat - Im 4w6d now after 3 miscarriages :-(
I hope these are our rainbow babies!
I was 5 weeks exactly on Monday, my hcg was 3244 xx

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