

Well-Known Member
Apr 20, 2011
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How are allyou ladies coping at the mo.....last couple of days Ive just become really hormonal. Its not helping that work is stressing me out and OH doesnt really understand......he is one of the men that thinks "this pregnancy malarky is easy"

If any of you have seen a previous post you will know what I mean about work....dont want to whitter on about it haha.....but the OH just doesnt pull his weight and whenvere I "moan" about been tired etc he jut says " Its only gona get worse" He doesnt do anything around the house! To the point he doesnt even make the bed!

I just wanna scream!

I get: "you're pregnant not sick" :mad:

You are entitled to be hormonal :hug: what with work the way it is and o/h being little/no help :( xx
I've heard that one before! Pffftt!

I'm really hormonal atm. If someone annoys me I feel like I want to jab their eyes out. I've cancelled a get together because I just can't handle one particular person atm. Horrible really but they have a habit of making me anxious or pissing on my bonfire so to speak when it comes to pregnancy. Or at least that's what my hormones are telling me! So best avoid!

Hope you're ok. Tgi Friday tmrw :)

Aww Olive I know what you mean, Get togethers seem to be harder as every single person has their opinion......and im like f**k off this is my baby not yours!

Hi PP23!....I've just noticed we have the same due date :)

I can completely sympathise with the stress at work thing hun....it's really tough isn't it?! I've got til September 12th until mat leave and it seems like a mountain to climb! Hope you have your mat leave sorted and don't have too long to go?!

I am lucky that my OH is a bit more sympathetic and supportive but sometimes I think he forgets I can't just carry on like I did before being pregnant!.......Your man needs to get his ass in gear and start helping you a bit more......you can't do it all!

I find that if I chat to my mum or my best mate and have a good cry it seems to get rid of some of the hormone 'tension'.......do you have someone you can have a good cry with?.......Hope you feel better soon hunny xxx
Aww Olive I know what you mean, Get togethers seem to be harder as every single person has their opinion......and im like f**k off this is my baby not yours!


Thanks hun, nice to know I'm not alone :hug:

Hope you've had a better day today.


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