Hope this doesn't upset anyone but keep hearing scary things!


Well-Known Member
Feb 6, 2011
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Hi girls so sorry to be negative but I keep hearing
Horror stories. I'm a hairdresser so deal with the public and 3 people have told me
Recently about family memebers/friends or even themselves losing their babies later on in pregnancy. I'm a nervous wreck already and hearing this makes me feel insecure in the pregnancy and I'm full of fear.
Really hope this doesn't offend anyone but I spend 90 percent of my time freaking out about this and
Don't know how to overcome it! Sorry for essay x
You're not the only one i'm constantly paranoid :/ got my 20 week scan next week and i'm so worried they're gonna tell me somethings wrong even though i'm being kicked. The fact that i'm going to actually have a baby just for some reason doesnt feel real. Its silly though because i've been lucky and not had any problems so far. We just have to thank ourselves lucky, TRY and put worries to the back of our minds, look after ourselves the best we can and enjoy being pregnant :)
Good luck with the scan hun xx sometimes it's hard to put it to the back of ur mind but I do wana try and enjoy the pregnancy otherwise il look back and regret it xxx
Unfortunately they'll always be horrible stories, you only have to see in the news, Lily Allen, Kelly Brook and people ALWAYS prefer to tell bad sortires than the thousands of happy healthy babies born daily!!!! . You never know what's going to happen and I was really worried in tri one and then my mum told me you can either worry for nothing, causing yourself all sorts of anxiety and worry and nothing go wrong and then you've missed the whole of pregnancy or you can worry and the worst will happen and then you'll have lost twice.So I figured I'd try not to fret, what will be will be and anxiety doesn't do you or babe any good (though I know it's easier said than done) I work in NICU frequently and it's easy to start panicking and thinking all the what if's but I take a deep breath (rub my tummy :eek:) and think no-one else is me (or you) so who know what will happen. Just like I've bought stuff from early on as I think yes if something awful happens I'll have lots of unnecessary stuff but I'm young and hope I'll get to try again and in all honesty what difference is putting your pushchair in the house or buying clothes and stuff going to make to your baby? It's certainly not going to cause a mc or anything like that. Sorry for the ramble but hope it helps you a bit. I just try to keep things in perspective and now I've waffled long enough xxx
Thanx Hun it helps alot x just hard to hear the bad stuff but going to try and block it out and think positively xx
Same here :(
But I'm taking each day as it comes. The blood results have come back fine, my scan is in 9 days, and well.. I'll take the rest of my pregnancy day by day. I'm more scared about the birth though, I thought about it today actually when I saw a disabled person in a chair. He obviously had some sort of brain damage and it scared me. I can't wait to give birth but I'm terrified of complications that could damage my LO :( That and of course the rest of my pregnancy. xxx
I know how you feel hun! But its natural to worry! Even when they are born, we still worry! Mine are 11 & 13 and I still worry! As they get older the the reasons for worry change, but you still worry! Just try and think positive thoughts, all will be ok :) x x x
Yes - tradgedy still strikes too often :(, but for every sad story that we hear there are hundreds, even thousands of happy ones. It's totally normal to feel apprehensive though, I still do, even though I'm getting some good movements. Maybe this is all part and parcel of being a parent though, you constantly worry about them all through life :eh:
I think the only thing we can do is just try our best to remember that its more common to have a healthy baby.

worries are something that start when we find out we're pregnant and stay with us for the rest of our lives. Its what it truely means to be a parent.

When I was pg with my first I literally had visions that she would be still born, couldn't really enjoy the pregnancy because of it. Now to this day, I still worry that something will happen to my wee baby and she's 7. I dont ever want her to leave me to go to school or anything.

Thanx for the replies ladies, feel better and glad to know I'm not the only one x gona try and chill a bit as it is out of my control, surprised I'm Like this as I'm so laid back in most aspects of life. Suppose it's the start of being a parent x
im glad when it comes to pregnancy im quite naive when i want to be, i shut as much bad new out as possible and although i know there is every chance something bad could happen to my pregnancy i cant help but enjoy every day so far.

Ive had some bad news recently about my friend who was a few weeks ahead of me, and although she is not ready to see people yet she text me saying enjoy every minute of your pregnancy even through the yackiness... she didnt have it easy but i think she regrets how much she complained or winged about it and didnt just enjoy the good parts.

Im lucky mine has been amazing and im writing a diary about all the good things that happen and how im feeling.. i think that makes me forget about the sad stories too.
I am just making the most of every new experiance that comes with the pregnancy


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