Hooray it's Pancake day!

Richard says I'm a freak because i love pancakes but i cant have anything at all on them, no milk, no lemon and sugar just a plain pancake and im happy.
I love pancakes but I'm on a diet :(

Second thoughts, sod the diet....give me the pancakes :rotfl:
nutella was halfprice in sainsburys so thats bein poured on the pancakes lol!! :lol:
you can always buy them ready made from bread section then just heat them in afrying pan for about a min on both sides no oil :D

I will be having mine with lemon and sugar
iv got my ingrediants and i decided instead of the chocolate ill use lemon and sugar, so at half 9 im going to make a big batch ready for 10 o clock and shaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaameless
I used to love pancakes but they make me cringe at the thought since having Harrison...weird :think:
Hubby is making some when he gets home at 11pm, such a healthy boy :roll:
Well we enjoyed ours. the boys had a concoction of sugar, chocolate spread & Jiff lemon :puke: . I just stuck to sugar. Rob didn't have any, he's not too keen on them.
Mason made ours, they were yummy.

He has show and tell tomorrow so I took a pic for him to take:

aww bless!

im not allowed them :( :x . fat & dairy free diet at the mo cause of the gall stones.
i had a couple of scoops of icecream sat night and ended up in a&e again.

not going to risk it...

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