Home...?? Well I am :( update pg 2 :)


Well-Known Member
May 29, 2007
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Just want to say Congratulations to all those who hatched when I was away... :) I will get round to reading all your birth stories soon.. and posting mine when I get a moment. I will be telling DH to REMOVE some of the god awful pictures of me during labour (git... ! ) :shock: But thank you everyone for not pointing out I look like a bus hit me :hug:

I was discharged yesterday... but Little miss is quite jaundiced so has been kept in .. We are hoping for her to be discharged today.

I will at some point get on my high horse and rant over Spanish attitudes towards breast feeding at some point when i get time. :x :x :x :x :evil: :evil: :evil: It is the most disgusting thing I've ever encountered. Currently I have to go to the hospital every 3 hours (9, 12, 3, 6, 9 and 12) to feed little miss, I get half an hour to feed her (any breast feeder knows thats nigh on impossible) and I have to give her both breasts in that time because apparently they get more milk... :roll:, they won't accept expressed milk (as apparently it's an infection risk to the baby :roll:) and they give her formula during the night, and after each feeding session to "keep her quiet" basically. They were also apparently going to give me tablets to dry up my milk yesterday on discharge .. :shock: But I told them where to stick em. :rotfl:

So the last few feeds I've gone up there and she's not wanted to be breast fed at all... so It's been a bit upsetting.

Anyway... Congratulations again everyone.. :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:
oh squig im so sorry! remember you actually dont have to take this shit..most breastfed babys are jaundis this early.. stupid spanish..keep pumping hun so ur milk stays there.. i really jhope they let her out today..

assholes.. u need to be bonding with ehr.. id just demand that i stayed there.. shes ur baby not theirs! cocks!
Glad your home but sorry to hear your LO has been kept in! About the breastfeeding... that's shocking!!! No wonder your upset about it :hug: The sooner you get her home, the better.... I hope it is today!

Congratulations, she's a beauty by the way :D
glad you're ok squig but sorry the way they are being with you :evil: :evil: :evil:
i hope you get her home today and then you can do it your way.
congratulations :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:
I'm so proud of you well done to you both. She looks perfect and scrummy in the photo. I am appalled at thier attitude to fedding :shock: how dare they. She'll be home soon and you can ignore all the nasty medics :hug: :hug: :hug:
Welcome home Squig. Hopefully little one will be home ltr 2day.

Thats disgusting how they are treating you with theBF, its YOURbaby not theirs :evil:

Did you have your last one in spain??

:oops: Forgive me for not remembering names, i'm useless in the mornings :oops: , well any time for that matter :rotfl:

:pray: she's home soon and feeding like mad from you, just keep pumping so your milk comes in normally, you know she's still getting the best stuff from you every 3 hours but keep the rest for her to have when she comes home.

:hug: :hug: :hug:

P.s you did look good for someone just gone thru labour, the pics were nice to see and i finally put a face to a name :D Don't tell hubby off, he's just a proud hubby/daddy :hug:
Yay you're home...how come they won't let you bring babs back with you? you must be so p*ssed..
Congrats honey she is gorgeous! :cheer:

Their attitude stinks. Have you tried telling them not to formula feed her? I would do like the others do and keep pumping at home so you can feed her when she comes home, fingers crossed that will be tomorrow.

I hate the way people have bad experiences of birth and midwifery, its such an important time and my heart goes out to you.... :hug:
congrats and big :hug: :hug: :hug: I hope she can come home today and you can continue with the breastfeeding x
Glad you're home but sorry to hear you've had to leave little miss in there with those idiots! I hope it doesn't mess things up for when you get home :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:

The photos of me just after I'd had James are so hideous they are never to see the light of day! I had the most spots ever, greasy skin and hair, and my hair was half blonde, half brown from not having my roots touched up for 6 months!!!
I thought you looked great in comparison!
Hey Squig........ in those pics looks like you've been hit by a bus!!!!! :D :rotfl:

A big congrats...shes a beauty!

Cant wait to read your story!!

:cheer: :dance: :clap:
Hope you don't have long to wait and she can come home today, so sorry about the way the hospital are treating you :hug: :hug: :hug:
Sorry you're having a rough time :(
Congratulations on your little girl though, she's gorgeous!
Awww no Squig, thats really terrible!! I hope bubs gets to come home soon. I thought breastfeeding helps with jaundice :think: stoopid hospital!
:shock: bloody, hell, the Spaniards have some strange ideas!

Congrats though hun, hope your LO comes home soon..... :hug:
Im fuming for you Squig, fuckers - you should be allowed up there 24/7 and be allowed to stay cos your breastfeeding her. The spanish dont have a fooking clue in your hospital.

Hope shes home today so you dont have to out up with that shit anymore.

Like Lisa said, keep pumping and keep your milk supply up so you dont have to stop.

:evil: :evil: :evil:
Good luck with those idiots at the hospital, she will be home with you soon and you can do it the way you want, it must be so frustrating - I am shocked you cant stay with her as long as you want :shock:

She is gorgeous though (and I thought you looked great too- dont be mad about the pics!)

Hope you have your lovely family all together soon :hug:

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