This is where I have a massive benefit of my mum being my midwife - she's on call for me 24/7 and will always be available no matter what I've read a lot though about how they have to send someone out - even if it's a paramedic? It's their responsibility to cover the homebirths or something? Xx
I'd never considered a home birth but I can really see the appeal in them. Don't think my hubby would ever agree though.
I'd never considered a home birth but I can really see the appeal in them. Don't think my hubby would ever agree though.
My mum and Mike were both like WTF!? When i mentioned it around 25wks lol!
Onv he wont be there mow anyway, but my mums excited now as ive told her ill let her bring her reiki music and ahe can give me reiki in my back haha!
Ull be sure to know how mine ends up though! Xx