MW encouraging me to think about home birth

I would have loved a home birth at your stage. I considered it seriously but my oh was not on board so it was a no go.
As it turned out, I was glad I was not only in the hospital but in theatre with the senior consultant and a team of experienced people. My baby's shoulders got stuck and the outcome could have been very different if there was not a team of people there to look after me and the baby. This kind of thing can't be planned for either in a first pregnancy.

I don't want to scare/put off people, I think what happened to me is not that common and the midwives are trained to deal with it if it does. Sadly for me, I'll be classed as high risk now and a home birth won't be an option :(
The midwife said to me to think about home birth but the pnly thing that scares me OS that you only get gas n air! I had everything they offered with Charlie as I am such mard! Plus I don't want Charlie to see me in pain etc x
My mw pulled a face when I said I'd been thinking about a hb. She said "well I don't think that's a very good idea". Ok then x
Haha! I pulled a face when mw suggested it. She also said 'oh it would be lovely you could have little Charlie there with you...'
What? It's not a fkin dinner party why the hell would I want him there?? X
Gosh Id love my LO there to experience it but Id want someone there to soley amuse her and take her away if needed.
I couldn't do it, he picks up when I'm stressed really easily..if I do go in the hospital ill wanna come home straight away as I hated staying overnight... I wonder if halfway through if it got too painful I could just go 'right that's it let's go the hospital I can't do it' lol. She said I could have gas n air but it makes me sick so it'd be au naturale...don't think I'm brave enough for that x
I don't want to give birth anywhere, I want lo to arrive in the post, recorded delivery :) xx
The midwife said to me to think about home birth but the pnly thing that scares me OS that you only get gas n air! I had everything they offered with Charlie as I am such mard! Plus I don't want Charlie to see me in pain etc x

I haven't found out much about it yet but I have a feeling that midwives can give diamorphine too, so you can have some pain relief, I may be wrong about that. From what I 've heard if you are happy with your choice of home birth its a more relaxed environment and you maybe less likely to need pain relief. Its a super individual choice, you have to decide where you would due most comfortable.
By the time you come to having baby you will be a whizz with home birthing :)

They suggested it to me and I would really love to do it but we live in a GF flat and I don;t think the neighbours will appreciate the noise hehe :)

We are having babe at a midwife led birth unit and if anything does go wrong which they will know about waayyyyy before it does they can blue light me to the other hospital 15 minutes down the road :)

Midwife's are trained to look for issues early on so I wouldn't worry about being blue lighted, they will know when if you need it :)

I am actually quite jealous haha xxxxx
Our midwife led unit is right in the hospital, very close the consultant led wards etc. one of my doctor friends is adamant I should have it hospital in a midwife led unit, it's hard when she is so against a home birth, I guess the problem is she sees when it goes wrong. I'm only 11 weeks so quite open that my mind will be changed or I may not have a choice in the matter!
I would never go for a home birth :( not for the fear of needing the theater but if the baby needs immediate care or intubation etc I will never forgive myself of not being in hospital 2 steps away from emergency unit.
I am planning on a hospital birth with minimal pain relief ( or not if I change my mind...) I want both the gynecologist and the pediatrician there at the moment of delivery ( I already sent a formal letter to arrange that) and at any sign of baby being in distress c section without any other attempts.

But then there has been 3 stillborns in my family and as a doctor I have seen the worst....

I wish I was so relaxed as you girls to even consider a home birth as I think it will be the most amazing experience ever...
I think the idea of a home birth is lovely, but I'm so glad I was in a hospital last time. LO became very distressed and couldn't descend fully down the birth canal as his head was turning. It took a whole team of consultants, doctors and midwives to deliver my boy, and as I had a bleed afterward too, can't even bear to think about the outcome if we hadn't had all those people on hand x

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