home birth & going overdue??????


Well-Known Member
Nov 21, 2007
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does anyone know how much if any overdue you can go and still have a home birth or do you get to a point when they make you go to hospital?

i have my worry head on today :lol:
I am not sure, but I bet I knowa woman who is.

It generally depends on when they'd want to induce you -
My midwife reckons anytime before 14 days over is fine. At 14 days they'd like to induce me which would mean no homebirth.

You can ask not to be induced at 14 days and then have check-ups daily on you and baby BUT then there are more risks to you and baby during birth so they generally will want you at hospital.

So the short answer is 14 days! Lol. I guess any longer and baby would be even bigger which again 'could' cause problems.

Best thing to do to stop us not getting our homebirths is to beg for sweeps! Lol. I'm hoping to get one at 40+3 and then if needed at 41+3 (my midwife is only at my surgery once a week) that way hopefully it'll' get things started!

In the end if i get to 14 days i'll probably be begging for an induction! Lol.
Excuse bad typing, baby in other arm :lol:

14 days is usually the cut off point for a homebirth, after that it's hospital as a rule.

Fwiw though, you dont' *have* to have an induction if you go overdue. They can advise, but not make you. You can choose to decline induction and wait for baby to arrive also.

But very few women go overdue past the 14 days.Don't fret overly, relaxing is more likely to be benificial for labour coming on than worrying or being tense (and makes for a better experience if relaxed in lead up)
i was ten days over and had a home birth.
it will all depend on you and your midwife./ Whether its your first baby, a big/small baby etc etc...

its an individual thing. If your midwife is happy for you to go 14 days over and have a home birth then it should be ok. They won't risk anything. Go with what she recommends. Trust her and your instincts.
I was 9 days overdue and had a home water birth.

I had a sweep at 4 days and 7 days over. At the one at 7 days over, the mw said I was favourable and she would be very surprised if I didn't have the baby by the end of the weekend and she was right! (that was on the Friday and DD was born on the Sunday morning).

During the appointment (at home) for my sweep at 7 days overdue, she booked me in for monitoring at 12 days overdue then daily after that (until the baby came) at the local hospital (about 40 minutes away). Of course, I didn't have to agree to this but there are risks about the placenta failing after approx 14 days (rare but possible) so I chose to set up the appointments to be monitored and I think I would have caved in at 16/17 days over as I was getting so fed up. My lcoal community m/w said that they would try to talk me into induction at the hospital too (during monitoring sessions) as they weren't so relaxed and happy about home births there!

I'm so glad I went into labour naturally at 9 days over, this was the thing that worried me the most about going overdue - it was like this horrendous deadline hanging over me. Hopefully you'll have your baby within 2 weeks of your due date, most women do - but relax and enjoy your peace and quiet while you can - don't worry!

Valentine Xxx

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