
i'll be sad to see warren go, i like warren! i knew he was goosed when he killed sean because no soap storywriters could ever let a character get away with something as immoral as murder.
he's the only loveable soap murderer tho, i kinda want him to get away with it!
trixipaws said:
i'll be sad to see warren go, i like warren! i knew he was goosed when he killed sean because no soap storywriters could ever let a character get away with something as immoral as murder.
he's the only loveable soap murderer tho, i kinda want him to get away with it!

me too :cry:

about bloody time, im sorry but I cant stand him, he thinks hes "the man" and can dictate to anyone, such an asshole, good riddance....just hope this doesnt drag out for aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaages lol

Poor Elliot though, was funny how he turned into a hoody overnight :lol:
christ i think its gonna drag out for aaaaaaages....just like the court case with jake and nancy. whats happenin there? i hope justin's gf gets found out for all the hundreds o times she's been cheatin on him!! then again he's gone and slept wi nancy eh!!! as bad as each other :wall:

ooh i love a bit o hollyoaks :lol:
Did we ever find out who pushed claire?? I remember a big hype about it but i've never found out who did it, no-ones been punished and its never mentioned anymore either.

have i missed it somewhere?? I swear i always watch hollyoaks lol
Wasn't it Justin who pushed her? I seem to remember him telling her that it was him a while after :think:
how did i miss that!!!! :shock: it cant have been well publisised, i must have had a few weeks away from hollyoaks i guess
he told her just as she was going into the taxi to leave.
also, wasn't justin supposed to have a court case after he told the police he lied about becca??? what happened about that. And................. shouldn't nancy get her uni place back now its out in the open that Jake was the one who lied about nancy and newt!!!????

I hate loose ends! :shakehead: :rotfl:
yup, so much inconsistancy, like i was thinking, Jessica ran off with over 100k of darrens money, yet nothing is even said about it!!!
yeah thats what i said at the bottom of page 11- my boyf pointed it out- hollyoaks never finishes storylines!
lulu said:
also, wasn't justin supposed to have a court case after he told the police he lied about becca??? what happened about that. And................. shouldn't nancy get her uni place back now its out in the open that Jake was the one who lied about nancy and newt!!!????

I hate loose ends! :shakehead: :rotfl:

Isnt she just too busy with Charlie just now :think:
yeah there are a few loose ends at the moment.

hands up who thinks justin and nancy are going to get together now??????

meeee *raises hand*
anyone know what happens to sasha? she doesn't die from the drug overdose does she?

Apparently beth dies (sorry for the spoiler)
I went to school with the girl who plays Sasha... she's still up in Leeds filming and having the time of her life so I don't think her character dies any time soon!

She facebooked me yesterday to find out if I was REALLY pregnant! :roll:
According to rumours theres a lot of baby dust going down in hollyoaks

Beth is killed in car crash, Rhys in hospital, aparently she donates organs rhys falls in love with hte girl with her heart (dotn believe it personally)

Nancy is pregnant by Justin

Hannah is pregnant too

Zoe gets pregnant by Mike

Sasha overodeses and ends up in a coma, Carmal knows about drugs and Calvin finds out and dumps her lol

Rumours that charlie dies (though i seriosuly doubt thats true)

God im telling you all these "spoilers" its so obviosut people just make it up and pray some of its true. I'm guessing someone gets pregnant, not sure who though, a couple of weeks ago it was beth now its all these lot!! Oh and whats happenign with Tina and Russ's baby???

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