Later, Warren 'asks', but really forces by threat, Justin Burton to dig up Sean's grave and throw his body in a river so the police won't find it. Indeed, his plan succeeds as the police search the area where Sean's body had been, of course finding nothing.
Some time passes and the issue of Sean's disappearance subsides. However, it remerges when Warren attacks Justin after he finds out Justin has been sleeping with Katy, Warren's 18-year-old sister. Clare, who tipped Warren off about the relationship, phoned the police as Warren rushed over to the flat to catch Justin and Katy and officers arrive and arrest Warren for assault. With Warren in custody overnight, Clare takes advantage of Justin's vulnerability and extracts the true story of Warren murdering Sean and where the body is now, telling Justin that he can trust her. As soon as Justin leaves, Clare calls the police with the information and Warren is re-arrested on suspicion of murder. The river into which Justin moved Sean's body is searched, but no body is found and Warren is released without charge.
On Friday 4th April, 2008, Calvin found Seans body in the woods of Hollyoaks, after attempting to find Elliot with Newt & Lauren. The body was said to be badly decomposed.