
lfc_sarah said:
Ive heard that in Hollyoaks when Tina goes for the first scan...

The baby is older than it should be...

And that its Russ baby..

Not sure wether thats true or not...

When the fook did Tina do Russ? :shock:

I heard that its actually Dom's baby
OMG... when was that? That must have been when I was in the states......... ooooh, I'm in
What has Newt and that girl done to the nerdy bloke? (sorry cant remember his name)
Flame said:
What has Newt and that girl done to the nerdy bloke? (sorry cant remember his name)

When he was little his Mam told him his Dad had been abducted by aliens (as you do :roll: ) I assume he had just left them. Anyway that girl and Newt contacted the geeky lad through his space website (he's obsessed with aliens cos of his mam saying that) They pretended to be his dad getting in contact :cry:
Can someone clear something up for me please.

How come Shauns body is found in the woods when Warren and Justin dug him up and chucked him over the bridge into the river?

Or did i miss something :think:
Misslarue said:
Thats what I was thinking bloom :think:

Im just trying to remember now if when Shaun was dug up did you actually see or have it confirmed that it was Shaun :think: do you think it was someone else :think:
Not sure :think: I don't think they opened the black sheet. Warren did say it was shaun at the time.
But they def dug up a body, I remember them gagging on the stink! Hollyoaks..............you've got to love it! :wink: :rotfl:
Interesting there must be some sort of twist because a body does not move itself from the river into the woods.

I suppose it could of got washed up there but its a bit unlikely or maybe somebody else moved it :wink: .
when did the river thing happen? I only remember them digging him and putting him in the woods?
Bloom said:
Can someone clear something up for me please.

How come Shauns body is found in the woods when Warren and Justin dug him up and chucked him over the bridge into the river?

Or did i miss something :think:

I think it must be a different body they dumped in the river. Im sure we will find out soon enough!!
I was sure they dug him up and dumped him in the river too. Surely if the body was in that kind of state it would take them a while to get an ID on it.
I remember them burryin him, cos warren made Justin do it :think:
Just got this of wiki

Later, Warren 'asks', but really forces by threat, Justin Burton to dig up Sean's grave and throw his body in a river so the police won't find it. Indeed, his plan succeeds as the police search the area where Sean's body had been, of course finding nothing.

Some time passes and the issue of Sean's disappearance subsides. However, it remerges when Warren attacks Justin after he finds out Justin has been sleeping with Katy, Warren's 18-year-old sister. Clare, who tipped Warren off about the relationship, phoned the police as Warren rushed over to the flat to catch Justin and Katy and officers arrive and arrest Warren for assault. With Warren in custody overnight, Clare takes advantage of Justin's vulnerability and extracts the true story of Warren murdering Sean and where the body is now, telling Justin that he can trust her. As soon as Justin leaves, Clare calls the police with the information and Warren is re-arrested on suspicion of murder. The river into which Justin moved Sean's body is searched, but no body is found and Warren is released without charge.

On Friday 4th April, 2008, Calvin found Seans body in the woods of Hollyoaks, after attempting to find Elliot with Newt & Lauren. The body was said to be badly decomposed.

Are we to believe he swam from the river and reburied himself in the woods :?
After looking into this more (sad I know) Apparently there was a sign by the body about rising water levels so he could of been washed up after a flood.

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