Hollie Elaine Stables - My Induction/Birth Story!


Well-Known Member
Feb 10, 2011
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Hi Everyone, sorry its taken 2 weeks for me to get this done, I've just been sooo busy and was in hospital for a week afterwards :oooo:

Due to excess fluid my consultant booked me in for a sweep on tuesday the 27th of September. I had the sweep, which wasn't too uncomfortable and was given my date for induction - Friday the 30th at 1.30pm.

At my sweep I was already fully effaced and 2cm dilated. I was hoping that meant I'd go into labour myself but sadly that didnt happen :wall2:

OH and I arrived at the hospital just before half one, and was shown to the ward. I was quite surprised to find they mixed prenatal and postnatal and was on a ward with 2 ladies and their newborns, and one other pregnant lady.

I was given the gel at 2.30pm, and was told that if nothing had happened overnight, i'd be examined at 6am and hopefully they'd be able to break my waters. If not, i'd get more gel until my cervix was ripe enough :shock:

By 9pm OH had to leave and the gel had done nothing, I didn't feel any different.

As soon as he left though, I started getting wee niggles in my lower back..which very soon turned into constant back ache by about 10.30pm.

It was bearable and i tried to get some sleep. I woke up at midnight in agony with the back pain and started to worry that i would never cope with actual contractions! I went for a bath about 1am and paracetamol wasn't really touching the pain.

By 2am I was really struggling even with the bath and I was given dyhydrocodeine which worked wonders and I tried to get some sleep.

At 4am I woke with a sudden painful kick and a snapping sound (like an elastic band). I was lying down and suspected my waters had gone, so I tried to strina little to see if anything would come out but nothing did :blush: - I thought i'd better go put a pad on just incase and as soon as I knelt up on the bed to get up, waters gushed everywhere...

Midwife came and cleaned it up and checked me and i was 3cm so they moved me down to labour ward.

OH was called and by the time he arrived it was 7am and I'd been contracting on my own for 2 hours and was now 4cm..

After this things get a bit hazy, and I wish I'd been more aware as i think this is why things went wrong. A different consultant came in and said he;d seen the results of mt GTT (i'd had one but it cm back fine). He told OH and I that he though my fasting blood levels were suspect and that he wanted to treat me as borderline possible diabetic - which meant we wanted baby out asap! He told midwife to start the drip, and I just did as I was told! I wish i hadn't as i was contracting fine one my own. By the time drip was started it was 10am saturday and I was 5-6cms. I ws coping totally fine until this point just breathing through contractions, feeling really positive.

As soon as the drip went in though I was bed bound and hooked up to monitors - they were struggling to get a decent trace of LO as she kept wriggling about. The drip instantly made contractions ridiculously close together and very very painful - so I got some gas and air and managed to get to 7cms before I asked for an epidural as there was no break between contractions.

Drip now up full whack and still no decent trace of LO, they decided they needed to take blood sample from her scalp to make sure she was ok, and the blood samples came back fine.

by 5pm I was 8cms, and started feeling the urge to push but midwife checked and said I wasn't ready.

At 5.30pm the decision was made for a very sudden emergency section as LO was getting very distressed and I was knackered...

6pm was in theatre and wee Hollie was born at 6.10pm.

It took longer than usual to stitch me up, and I lost 3 litters of blood and needed a blood transfusion :(

In recovery I got my LO back, but noticed she was breathing very quickly..

They took bloods and her white blood cells count was raised so they took her to special care and put her on a wee drip with antibiotics and she was in there for 4 days.

I needed a second transfusion as my iron levels went down to 4.9 - so all in all was in hospital for a week!

Both Hollie and I are doing great now and I just love her so so much!

If i could do it again I would have challenged the consultant over the drip and why they wanted to make e progress quicker..

She is SO worth all the pain though and I'd do it again in an instant!!

Hollie Elaine Stables, born 01/10/11 at 6.10pm and weighed 8lbs4oz :)
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Congrats hun!! She shares a name with my niece, although the surnames different!
Awww it sounds like you had a right time of it hunni, but at least it was all worth it in the end and you have your wee one back at home :D well done xx
Just born :)

P1050057 by FLUGEL91, on Flickr

In special care, but i don't think she minded too much!

P1050098 by FLUGEL91, on Flickr

This is my favourite pic lol

P1050104 by FLUGEL91, on Flickr

Hollie and Daddy - she gets her hair from him!

P1050126 by FLUGEL91, on Flickr


P1050139 by FLUGEL91, on Flickr

P1050140 by FLUGEL91, on Flickr

Mummy and Hollie dolly

P1050162 by FLUGEL91, on Flickr

P1050234 by FLUGEL91, on Flickr

P1050250 by FLUGEL91, on Flickr

P1050289 by FLUGEL91, on Flickr

Sorry for posting so many pics - but I'm just totally smitten :love:
Congratulations! Shes a little cutie! Our babies have the same birthday!
Awwww she looks lovely, congrats on getting through the birth (sounds incredibly tough!)
Wonderful photos & the cross eyed pose is a classic :)
Blimey you had a hard time!! :hug:
Massive congratulations she is beautiful!!!
Glad your both ok now, congratulations she's Beautifull xx
Awwww she's so cute & looks like her daddy's double.

Well done, you done great!!

Can't believe my little princess is 1 today!!

Best thing we ever did xx


cuuute happy birthday Xx

Sent from my shit hot phone! Fo shizzle home girls.

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