hmmmmm Pains...


Well-Known Member
Dec 21, 2011
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Hi Ladies,

Maybe i am being slightly paranoid after my scare and baby not moving on wednesday. She was moving all day yesturday thankfully and ive felt her this morning a few times too.

I do feel she has moved further down now because usually she is under my ribs now her movements are near my belly button or lower.

Since yesturday eveing ive been getting the odd sharpe pain shooting through my lower belly and strangely feels likes its in my faff too... sorry TMI i woke up is morning with it and again went in a few seconds. I also feel i need to loo more often but yet when i go there isnt anything there or its a dribble. its last seconds but can happen a few times. I have had a very similiar pain in early pregnancy and midwife explained it could be baby laid on a nerve etc.

I don't want to be calling my midwife constantly now because i havent had to at all throughout my pregnancy. I know they are there to do a job but still dont you feel your pestering them? I dont know whether just to call the midwife triage if nothing gets better throughout today...

Girls am i being stupid for not calling? My gut says i'm fine its prob just baby laid funny because she is getting bigger...

Also i think she has moved because when she does do a proper kick i can feel it in my faff lol!!
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I constantly need the loo at the moment and even if I do go I dribble ewww...

I would say it is just baby having a wiggle and yes possibly sat on a nerve.

If you are really really concerned though call the midwives it's what they are there for, I have called them for some ridiculous things before and they really don;t mind.

Thanks BellaRiven, yeah I feel everything is ok, maybe womens instinct i dunno lol, i think if it does carry on then ill oontact midwife triage, she is def moving about though lol
maybe she has moved down like u said and is just putting pressure on your "faff" (love that word hahaha) i too always need the loo and sometimes just dribble, ive been told its just the pressure of the uterus on my bladder so i wouldnt worry hun, baby is getting bigger and weighing u down :) haha. but dont hesitate to call midwives. thats what theyre there for xxx
Have you tried rocking on all fours for a little while to see if LO will move? Sometimes when our little monkey is thumping me in the foof I rock for a little while and it eases the pressure down below.

If it continues and you are concerned I woul ring your MW.... they are there for a reason x
ive been having shooting pains in my vagina and my midwife laughed and said 'wait till it happens in your bum' she says its perfectly normal. everything is very vascular down there just now and theres alot of pressure so thats what causes that. as for needing to go to the loo constantly your probs just getting kicks in your bladder that makes you think you needa go. i cant stand up without feeling like im going to pee myself lol x
Thanks Ladies, Littlesmoosh! Funny you should say that! i had a shooting pain in my bum last night lol
Oh i dont know how those celebs can look glam all the way thru lol!! I look and feel like shit! LOL
I know don't get me started lol...

I just want one of them to trun around ans say F*** it and have a bad hair couple of months or something and then shout at the press saying it's normal haha xxx
yeah i agree!! ive 12 weeks to go and i'm fed up of looking frumpy, shit skin and lifeless hair! Want my normal bladder back too!

The best thing is knowing my little one is safe and growing and my nails are sooooo long lol

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