high sugar in pregnancy


Jan 16, 2009
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hello everyone can u plz help me that wht can i do to control my sugar level becoze in my last pregnancy i had high sugar level
but this time i have not gone for the test can u suggest me some good food to control it .I heard about nettle tea that it controls sugar level??????
Not really sure hun, could you try asking your midwife? I know that eating little and often can help control blood sugar levels, as can trying to eat complex carbs rather than simple ones, ie wholemeal bread, wholemeal pasta etc. Anything which releases energy slowly like bananas might help too. Midwife would probably know more than me though! :hug:
You should really get your midwife to get you to have the glucose tolerance test or at least get your doctor to check your blood sugar level (and if he/she is concerned arrange a glucose tolerance test). If it is high and left untreated it can cause organ damage in early pregnancy and an oversized and/or diabetic prone baby in latter pregnancy.

I know this as its my 2nd pregnancy and very early on my sugars were high too and they needed to be controlled by insulin. In my 1st pregnancy I was diagnosed having high blood sugars (gestational diabetes) at week 28 and it was controlled by diet and insulin. The sugar level went normal after the birth of my 1st child but as I said, in my 2nd pregnancy the sugars have gone high again. The doctors at the hospital are keeping a close eye on me.

Go see a midwife or doctor to check this out if you are concerned. Dont just try and 'treat' yourself. If your sugars are high, you may need insulin. At the very least the diabetic nurses/dieticians at hospital can give you advice on what foods to eat and not eat too.

Good luck!
Thanks for replying yes my docter checking my blood sugar each time and it is normal but i thought may it go high after 24 weeks hope not i will visit my docter next week and lets see wht happen.I had gestational diabetes in my first pregnancy and it was controled by diet after i was normal.

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