high igm cardiolipin antibodies...any help?


Well-Known Member
Apr 5, 2006
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well had tests back and i have high igm cardiolipin antibodies. need lupus anticoagulant test....

they say when i get a bfp i may have to have injection to stop my blood clotting. i have had several bfp which then change to bfn as i mc.

i would like to go private for more tests. anyone got any experience of this??


I have had a Deep Vein Thrombosis before plus miscarriages so I recently went private to test for blood clotting disorders – I get my results on Monday so I’ll let you know! It was well worth going private for me as the doctor I saw was an expert solely on miscarriage and he definitely knew what he was talking about. The NHS wouldn’t do the tests as I have not strictly had 3 miscarriages.

I went to Harley street: www.miscarriageclinic.co.uk

Keep me updated on how you get on!

Yes - Me!

I have Anti Cardiolipin anti-bodies which were discovered after three missed miscarriages. In pregnancy the treatment plan generally is low dose aspirin (75mg) and Heparin (40mg) injections daily to prevent miscarriage, fetal growth ******ation or stillbirth.

With both my son and daughter I had to take low dose Aspirin from BFP and have Clexane injections daily until 6 weeks after birth.
-I had growth scans every 4 weeks from 24 weeks too.
thank you. i am hoping that i will be given the injection too. i have an nhs appointment with consultant on 3rd december but cant decide if to wait until then??? what do you think??


s if anyone has any links to sites that have info on this i would be grateful
sazzleevans said:
thank you. i am hoping that i will be given the injection too. i have an nhs appointment with consultant on 3rd december but cant decide if to wait until then??? what do you think??


s if anyone has any links to sites that have info on this i would be grateful

If you get pregnant before your appointment date, start the low dose aspirin yourself - You can buy it over the counter. Then make an appointment with your GP to get an urgent referral with your Consultant, as they are the ones who prescribe your first prescription for any medications your to take as par of your treatment plan.
-With my son I didnt have my first injection until almost 12 weeks as my diagnosis was made from repat RPL testing at my first ante natal appointment, so if you didn't start the injections immediately don't panic, but make sure you start the aspirin (phone your GP for advise if your unsure about anything).

I have some links with lots of information, I will have a look and post them shortly for you.

thanks. i got pg at the start of sept this year i was a week late and was getting the old spotting story plus weak bfp. it was after this mc i started to stamp my feet at the docs. she suggested i start low dose asprin which i have done for the past 3 weeks. i dont know what will happen if i get bfp.

thanks its nice to hear it worked out for you.


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