High BP


Well-Known Member
Oct 21, 2014
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High BP anyone? I'm 18 weeks and my BP has been around 150/80 recently. They are keeping an eye on it and talking about pills! I'm 41 and this is baby five, I've never had high BP before and I'm feeling very anxious and frightened.
Anyone else similar? Xxx
Try not to worry hun (easier said than done I know). As long as they are keeping an eye on it and you don't have any other symptoms it should be ok.

I had hgh blood pressure with my first and all that happened is I kept being monitored (especially more towards end) and I ended up with epidural during labour to bring bp down.

I know its very scary but I'm sure everything will be fine x
Sounds like they aren't too worried which is positive.

Also its your top nunber that is high. Bottom number is actually ok and that is the number they are more concerned with.

They are keeping an eye on you which is to be expected and if you do need the medication then that will help control things.

Ive had high BP in my 2nd pregnancy which wasnt too bad they kept an eye on it. Then had it with my last pregnancy and they kept an eye on it and it kept going up and up. So in the end they couldn't get it down so got induced at 39 weeks. They kept taking my bloods and checking for pre-eclampsia symptoms and turns out I did have it. And now my BP is creeping up again and im consultant lead as well as seeing the midwife at my local gp surgery.

Sounds like they arent too concerned and they are keeping an eye on you. So if it does go up anymore you've got the best care possible :) xx
Yes, I had high bp with both my pregnancies (one during and the other post-partum) and was on medication. As everyone has already said, they're keeping a close eye on you and will give you medication if needed. Try not to worry too much xx
Like carnat says it's the bottom number they worry about more. When mine shot up, I was told they generally don't panic until the bottom number is over 100.

When mine went up I was monitored in hospital and given medication to reduce it. I was over due anyway by this point so I was induced. I thinkif it had been eearlier I would have been sent home frankly.
Mines been creeping up over the last few weeks. When I had my scan 2 weeks ago and saw the consultant it was 142/78 and they said its high but nothing to be concerned about just yet. And then at my midwife appointment last Wednesday it was 134/88 again she said its creeping up but going to keep an eye on it. They were going to prescribe aspirin but my consultant said because it didn't help in my last pregnancy they weren't going to give it me again x

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