Hiding it well. :(


Well-Known Member
Jul 14, 2011
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well - figured it was prob about time I told the girls in my dance class that I was expecting. I'm not very good at doing the whole big announcement thing - so i knda dropped it into conversation with one.

After the usual congratulations etc - she asked how far on I was - when I said 18 weeks - her response.

"My God where are you hiding it"

I was quite proud of my wee bump. :( Finally thought i was starting to look pregnant as opposed to just fat.

I am sure your bump is lovely. Some people just can't judge how big is normal at 18 weeks. Xx
Well - I mighta thought that if this had been someone younger - but the "girls" in my class all have kids and grandkids.

Oh haha... She probably thought she was complementing you too. I think people should only be allowed to tell us that our bumps are beautiful and not comment on the size at all. :)
I second that. I was soooo chuffed the other day when one of the girls at work was like "wow you have a bump" - ( i was off on hols for two weeks) - now its like - ok maybe i dont. lol
I have found it has been mums that seem to think I don't have any bump for 19weeks but I think they might be comparing it to their last pregnancy which if it was there 2nd or subsequent baby they 'popped'earlier. My friends with no kids seem to think I have a bump (but it does also depend what I'm wearing and what time of day it is to how much it shows).
I guess that true mustard - some outfits hide it more than others - although i did have a pretty tight t-shirt on last night.

Guess everyone's different. lol
Annoys me when ppl feel the need to comment on ppls bump sizes! Grrr

I felt like I had a proper bump at about 15/16 weeks. I have now realised I was completely wrong and I've most definitely noticed that what I have now is a bump and what I had was a more comfortable size that I would love to have back lol! X
Well after all that - went out tonight to have first person "feel" the bump. Had just walked into the dance hall and she pounced. Not quite sure what I think of that but at least it means she thought I had enough of a bump to be feeling up. Lol xxx
Bump gropers annoy me! Someone did it to me in the office yesterday, so I rubbed his belly and asked when he was due! Don't think he will do that again!

I don't mind if they ask first, but he just walked up and touched my belly. NOT COOL!!
see people annoy me they think we go from like being nothing to a massive bump straight away!! i got told i was fat the other day by a teen mum and i was like i'm not FAT .... im pregnant!! And she turned round and said well wheres ur bump!! could of knocked her out!! lol
Im kinda undecided on the groping Larly - it did take me by surprise - but on the other hand - after thursadays remark it kinda made me feel a bit better that she actually thought there was something worth groping lol.

That said if it happens too often but strange folk i might get a bit crabby. lol
dont take no notice people are funny some people say to me im big which i guess compared to me pre baby size is true others ask where its hidden. I was in a and e last night and was told i had the smallest baby ever by the nurse. It cracks me up
My bump has been there since about 14wks and sort of stayed the same... Till now, now bump is visible with whatever I wear. Only trouble is nothing fits and I loom ridiculous in most things I wear :(

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