Hiccups? How often? For how long? How far apart?


Well-Known Member
Oct 3, 2006
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Hi all,

in the last few days my baby has been getting hiccups much more often. I'd say I feel them at least twice a day.

My question is, is this normal? They last for quite a long time, ie. 20 mins. And they're quite fast/close together.

Does anyone else get this? I was starting to worry that it might not be normal. Please put my mind at rest!

Hi KJ :wave:

My LO gets hiccups 2 or 3 times a day and they can last up to about 15 mins or so sometimes :roll: I dont think its anything to be worried about but will be interested to see what others say :?
my girl goes through phases, sometimes having a hiccup spell 2-3 times a day and then other times goes days without.
I think it's perfectly normal for the baby to have loads of hiccups before and after birth, but mention it to you midwife if the length and speed of them is getting you worried.
Mine's been doing this too :) It does it a couple of times a day and I've found they get bigger too... :think: if that makes sense, they feel bigger than previous hiccups and more deep - sort of more like breathing than hiccups...

Sure it's pretty normal though :)
Yeah my LO hiccups a couple of times during the day and it's exactly the same as you described KJ. They are always fast and close together, it feels a bit like ticking and they last for ages and ages! She hasn't done it today but no doubt she will later!
Mine has hiccups right now and I can feel them very low down on left hand side (practically into my lady bits :oops: )
Snuggle said:
Mine has hiccups right now and I can feel them very low down on left hand side (practically into my lady bits :oops: )

I remember posting a thread asking about 'throbbing' above my lady area and it turned out to be hiccups :oops:

So embarrassing :oops: but glad someone told me what it was cos otherwise I would have thought there was something wrong with me LOL
ok cool, feel much better now thanks girls!

your scan picture is so clear in your avatar by the way KJ :) looks lovely :)
thanks leckershell, :D

I was really pleased with it! Keep meaning to switch to my 3D ones, but that one is so nice!

Just cant' wait to see him properly now. Can't believe I probably have to wait 5 weeks or longer!

Must be exciting for you, you're much closer than I am!

They do say you feel the hiccups stronger where their heads are and hers have been strongest above my belly button near my ribs so she must be the wrong way round the little madam.
I feel them all along where his back is, if you know what I mean. From low down to just above my belly button. Think his whole little body must be vibrating!! Poor little mite! I just want to hold him and make sure he's ok!

Aww you should love the hiccuping!

Its normal and your babies are doing it to orepare their lungs for the outside world!

You get them when they want you too!!!! I think its funny and they make my bump move.
mrs_tommo22 said:
You get them when they want you too!!!!

Of course your bound to feel them all over but they are stronger where the baby's head is.
oh my little piece of heaven does it too, mostly, he does it when im trying to get to sleep and last for like 20 minutes maybe more, but i love it :D
but its around 3 or 4 times a day, i did as my midwife about it when i went up on monday and she said its normal, :)

i well dunno what im gunna be like when i loose my bump.

i love it.
My little one has started this the last couple of days! I think we must be able to feel it cos the baby is getting to big for in there hehe xxxx
Do they stop getting them as much later on in the pregnancy? I've noticed my little Summer hasn't had them for a couple of days but she normally got them a few times during the day!
Mine also gets them daily 3-4 times, i love them :D

My little boy use to get them all the time too and always did for ages after he was born too it's so cute.

Mine never stopped getting them Vickyleigh your LO maybe just having a quiet few days i wouldn't worry it's normal :D

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