Hi new here bfp or evap?


Well-Known Member
May 15, 2011
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Hi i have been feeling a bit dizzy and sick lately and think i ovulated on the 18th nov i just bought a first response early test and used it about half an hour ago it came up with a line to say the test worked and then a faint pregnant line im just wondering if it is this, its faint pink and came up within 3 mins, tryed another £1 test and cant tell if it has faint line unless i tilt the test so unsure if i am or not can anyone help lol or experiances of this happening to them early on i think im due on thurs thanks suzanne

would take a pic on my mob but for some reason it wont work :/
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Hi Suzanne, can you upload any pictures for us to have a look?

Fx for you xxx
my mobile wont work for some reason an it normaly takes good pics, will try an get on another laptop an see if if i can do it through a webcam dnt know if it will show but i an see it withought squinting its just faint

managed to get a pic just need to get it on here its not very clear though x
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Since done another the lines there agin but even fainter :(dnt know wot to think now tried to email pic of my mobile but it wont come through!
If you have any left :wink: test tomorrow morning and see what that shows up?

Even if there is a faint line i would still take it as a :bfp:.

im trying to get a pic on but it keeps showing image as broken or cant do links coz i havnt posted enough
hya did two more tests this morning an again two faint lines but i think there easier to see have uploaded them on another website as cant get them on here an they think positive :)but local nurse said to take her a sample tomo an she will check for me, hope it comes out the same although she did say if theres even a faint on there tests they take it as preg so well see :)
Congratulations, a faint line is a positive line.

Well Done!!! :bfp:
thankyou very much i showed my husband the test from a couple of days ago and he wasnt convinced wil show him todays but i bet he still thinks the same, if not and the nurse confirms it he will have to believe it then lol, very nervous tho dnt want out bad to happen thanks for ur replys furryheart x
Men, who would have them lol.

I think you will be ok, how far along do you think you are anyway?

Let us know how you get on at the nurse.

i had my mirena out on the 11th october then bled on the 3rd for about 5 days i think tried one of them online ovualtion calenders and guessed i was on the 18th but did it every other day since after period started feeling dizzy this last week an sick on a night then on the 29th did first two tests, first response an got two faints then did two more this morning which i think are a bit clearer i put the pics on countdown to preg website, so guesiing about 4 weeks today as i went with a 28 day cycle which is what i used to have before coil :)
The nurse should take it from you LMP which was 3rd Nov.

So you should be due around 10th August 2012.

The nurse should take it from you LMP which was 3rd Nov.

So you should be due around 10th August 2012.


wow seems more real when u say that exciting and scary lol, ven though ive done it before hubbys not convinced til the nurse checks although having tea tonight he said to me hed just thought of sumet i said what an he looked at the extra dining table chair as if therel be an extra family member next year hopfuly lol :yay:

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