Hi Need Some Advice


Well-Known Member
Jan 15, 2011
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Hey there,

I never experienced this when pregnant with either
of my 2 DD. My first is 4 and a half and my second is 14
months doesn't seem that long ago but I never experienced
this and I'm hoping some1 here has

My best friend is 35+3 and is getting really sharp pains
down the left side of her bump and a stabbing pain right
behind her belly button and is very worried. This is her
first child. Does anyone have any ideas what this could be?
Or what she should do


Louise xx
i cant help but didnt want to just leave it
i wud ring labour ward and ask to talk to a midwife if i was her just to make sure cud be nothing but just ring to make sure
Thanx rere that's what I told her to do but she feels like she is pestering
them lol constantly on the phone asking about pains and things.

Any other replies greatly welcome


Louise xx
aww tell her not to worry thats what there therefore and she should in no way feel this way :) hope this gets sorted for your friend
Thanx she also said when she's walking about
she has 2 hold her bump as she feels that he
is going to fall out not sure this is normal

Louise xx
is the pain constant or in a pattern or anything?
That pain sounds like really painful ligament pains. I'm suffering right now as I get a pain down my left side. A hot water bottle has done wonders ESP after a hot bath.

If in doubt call the labour ward hun
Thanks so much for your replies, she's got a MW appt
this morning so hopefully she gets evrything sorted


Louise xx
i feel like this at the end too but my babies lie really low down and they really push my cervix i dont go big so they take up all my inners
My best friend is 35+3 and is getting really sharp pains
down the left side of her bump and a stabbing pain right
behind her belly button and is very worried. This is her
first child. Does anyone have any ideas what this could be?
Or what she should do


Louise xx

Hi Louise,

I complained to my midwife of a sharp pain behind my belly button area. My midwife told me it was most probably the baby playing with the umbilical chord. This was enough to reassure me. It has happened a couple of times since, but seems to have worn off over the past few weeks.

I'd advise your friend to speak to her midwife - even if just to put her mind at rest, as worrying about it wont help :)
Hope it all goes well for your friend :)
I would say for her to see her midwife, i have been getting painful braxton hicks and went to see her today and said i not been feeling right and getting pains maybe water infection and i had protien in my urine, so they have sent it off and if i get pains again to go doctors or straight to l+d as i have had a prem baby before. she wasn;t funny with me or anything and said i did the right thing going to see her.

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