Hi everyone

Nov 20, 2009
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Hi everyone I am a newbie. I have used another forum site previously but heard this one is much nicer and would like to join if thats ok :dance:

I am 18 weeks now and do not know the sex yet. I have a 3 year old little girl!

Congrats to all you lovely ladies who are pregnant, and much baby dust and luck to all those who are trying.
:wave: Welcome to Pregnancy Forum :D

Where did you hear about us? :)
:wave: Welcome to Pregnancy Forum! And congraulations on your pregnancy :D ...are you planning to find out the sex at your next scan?
That's a really nice compliment, thank you :)
:wave: Welcome to Pregnancy Forum! And congraulations on your pregnancy :D ...are you planning to find out the sex at your next scan?

Yes I really really just HAVE to know this time, which is so weird cos I was dead against finding out with my first! Its eating me up waiting for my scan, its not til 21 weeks, 8th December. Im so damn impatient!
I was the same with both of mine :lol: Before I got pregnant with my first I always thought I wouldn't want to find out but waiting 20 weeks was hard enough - there's no way I could have waited until the end!
Im glad u said that cos im really cracking up I was nearly for paying out £180 for a gender scan just to find out a couple weeks earlier. Then I realised its just tooo much money over here just for a gender scan. rip off!
welcome to PF, and congratulations on your pregnancy :)
:wave: congrats and it's nice to know that we are getting known for being nice :)

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