Hi do I qualify for LTTC?? Can I join you?


Well-Known Member
May 18, 2011
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Hi all, :wave:
I have been on this forum awhile , not sure where I belong now ...you all seem so lovely in here.. didint think I was long term enough before but now???
Heres a short update of my story. for those that dont know me.....

I already have a little boy who is now 2 1/2, who I conceived no problemo at all, 2nd cycle after coming off pill in fact.
I have been TTC baby Number 2 since Aug 2010.
But charting and temping and since Jan 2010, as I wanted to understand my body and pinpoint time of OV as I really would of loved a little girl this time.

Also I had to work hardon my OH who wasnt too keen on having another baby,my son is a very demanding little boy, but more to the point he has never slept through the night once his whole life and still doesnt!! So OH had doubts of another! (he also has a 16 yr old son who he is a brill dad too).

So anyway, since Aug 2010, I have fell Pregnant twice, both these babies have died. I do not bleed or show signs of miscarriage, I only find out at scans.
I am 38 in Jan, My OH is 39 next year.
We are currently going through all fertility testing, bloods, etc etc.

I very fast considering giving it all up, maybe after everything maybe baby No.2 is just not meant to be. OH changes his mind every 5 mins if he wants another or not.
(usually shouting ' I dont want another kid' - in he middle of night when my DS wont sleep!)
I know I am blessed to have the one.

So ladies ,what do you think. Do I belong with you? Im sure many of you have had longer journeys than me, Should I give up? Any advice, xxxxxxx
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your very welcome here :) we just dont want to be seein you in here for too long ;) . X
Welcome aboard hun :)

Sounds like your little one is keeping you on your toes, I don't think you should give up, no two babies are ever the same ;)
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No your not welcome in here......bog off!! ;)

Only messing honey :wave: hiya

Im sorry to hear your story, and sorry to hear your DS doesnt like sleep. I hope the tests your having will pin point any problems. We are all here for you and your up's and down's :) xxxx
Hiya!! We're a welcoming bunch in here!! Unfortunately people tend to stick around a while in here but hope your stay is a short one! I agree with others, you should stick with it, and follow your heart to have a 2nd. Hope your DS starts to settle better soon xxx
Welcome to the fold! Good bunch in here!
You're welcome doll, great bunch of girls in here, we can get down sometimes but are here to pick each other up. Doesn't matter if you already have a child, it's still heartbreaking when you want a child and are struggling. Big hugs and hope your OH comes round to your way of thinking soon :hugs:
Hi Corrinne, your very welcome to join us over here, hope your not ere too long xxx
Hello there....

Everyone is amazing in here x

Welcome x

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