Can i join this forum now??


Well-Known Member
Dec 30, 2011
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Hi ladies,

I'm not sure what is classed as long term ttc but i feel like maybe i should be here now? We've been trying to catch for 2 years and 2 months now with no sucess, not even a false positive.

My journey so far, i'll try to be brief so i don't bore you to death.

I already have a child from a previous relationship, he's now 9. Me and my fella decided to try for a baby of our own, had my implanon removed in feb 2010 after the 3 year mark. In april 2010 i found my old implanon, my doctor had failed to remove it when i had the newer 1 put in so i had been walking about with 2 implanons in my arm for 3 years! After a year of trying i went back to the doc, same doc the failed to remove the implanon. He sent me for blood tests and an internal scan the bloods apparently were borderline, but nothing to worry about and according to the doc the scan was fine. So he sent me for swabs and an hsg, all came back clear. I also had a cd21 blood test, he didnt seem concerned. Partner had 2 sperm tests done 6 months apart, the first result was poor, not enough swimmers the second results showed inprovement his doc wasnt concerned. My doc then decided to send me to infertility gynae as he was stumped as to why i wasnt falling. So he referred me, i also requested a copy off all tests results and letter sent to the gynae.

Now it gets interesting on the letter sent to the gynae from my doc its states that during the scan both ovaries where found to be enlarged and demonstrate multiple immature follicles. It even states on the results from the scan that 'the appearances are suggestive of PCSO'.

I was concerned about this and asked my boyfriends doc to take a look at all the results, straight away from looking at the bloods and obviously the scan results he says i have PCOS. He thinks the reason he hasnt diagnosed me with PCSO is because i dont fit into the 'bracket' for it!! My fellas doc says that if i dont get results from the gynae appointment then im to change to him and he'll diagnose PCOS.

Any how i've been waiting for this appointment for months!! It tomorrow and i'm not sure whats gonna happen, any ladies out there that could fill me in, or even give me there story of there first appointment??

Like i say i dont know if 2 years is class as long term, feels like for ever to me! If not tell me to come back later?! lol

Bbay dust to all x x x
I'm sure you've posted here before? Your implanon situation sounds v familiar to me :eh:

I don't understand why you need to be referred to check for PCOS if you already have a doctor who is willing to diagnose and therefore prescribe for PCOS?

You appointment will go fine :) He'll just want to sum up your cycles and your test results to date and then tell you how he thinks to need to proceed xx
Hi Emma, welcome too this section, I'm Jenni - I'm really sorry I have no idea on PCOS, but think that there are lots of ladies that do, and that will be able to fill you in , in here

Wishing you good luck with yout TTC journey XX
ummm maybe i have posted this forum before :think: if i have i dont remember and i'm now worried i'm losing my mind! :shock:

My doctor isnt refering for PCOS as far as he's concerned i dont have it regardless of the scan results. He's words on the referal are, he lists all tests ive had and results then goes on to say 'I would therefore appreciate it if you could arrange to see her in your clinic for your assessment and advise'. So i take from that he has no idea why i can't fall and is passing me on!?

The doctor that say's i do have PCOS is my fella's doctor, i took the results when my fella went to a routine app with his doc, so although its a second opinion, he can't treat me until i move over to his surgery. Which i didnt want to do at the time as the referal had already been made and wanted to see what the gynae had to say.

So offically i haven't be diagnosed with PCOS, i do opk tests every month, for the last 6 months and only ever had 1 positive. With my first baby i fell really easily, i've got into my head something has to be wrong, supppose i'm looking for a definate answer instead of whys and what ifs.....If that makes any sense?! :roll:
Aha you may be in the same situation as me here - I have polycystic ovaries but do not have polycstic ovaries SYNDROME.

You can have enlarged ovaries and lots of immature follicles without it having any impact on your day to day life or your fertility. It's like a lesser version of the same thing.

For example mine shows as irregular cycles but my cycles show clear ovulation (through day 21 blood tests). I don't have any of the other symptoms like weight gain, hairiness, lack of ovulation etc that some people have. However scans show enlarged ovaries and loads of immature follicles. I don't have pcos.

You can also have polycstic ovaries and no symptoms at all. Again this is pco and not pcos and does not affect fertility.

I got very confused by conflicting reports but had it explained by a doctor once. Hope that helps.
Scotch that is so interesting because I wonder whether I have PCO but not the syndrome. The don't have any symptoms of PCOS, but my periods are very light and my LP is more or less 10/11 days. I guess it is all irrelevant now as we start IVF but I always wonder if it has gone undiagnosed. There were a load of follicles on my scans and the specialist said border line PCO but my Amh level was normal and do were my blood tests? Giz x
Hi hon welcome to the forum as you can see from my thread above I have always wondered whether I have it. You can also get a second opinion if you feel unsure if what you are being t
Opps pressed send. Got a new iPhone! Sorry. As I was saying get a second opinion. You first appointment will be fine they just go through your history, blood tests like lou said above. Have you had a hycosy where they check your tubes? They might suggest that. It is okay though. Let us know how it goes and good luck!

Love giz xx
Hello and welcome to this section!

I am new here too!

Scotch that is so interesting because I wonder whether I have PCO but not the syndrome. The don't have any symptoms of PCOS, but my periods are very light and my LP is more or less 10/11 days. I guess it is all irrelevant now as we start IVF but I always wonder if it has gone undiagnosed. There were a load of follicles on my scans and the specialist said border line PCO but my Amh level was normal and do were my blood tests? Giz x

my blood tests barely show it too - they're just on the pco side of normal but in the normal range.

i was told that having slight pco is great for ivf as it gives lots of follicles to work with. keep an eye out for OHSS (basically keep really well hydrated) when it comes about, but we certainly had a good response and it's probably as I've so many follicles in the first place
Thanks scotch. I am really really hoping that you have fab news this weekend. Fx and big hugs!!
Thanks for the info re IVF that has cheered me up no end!
Thanks for the replies every1. Hopefully i'll get to know you all and your journeys as time goes on.

Went to the gynae today. And scotch your absolutely right, the consultant thinks i have PCO's but not the syndrome. I have slightly irregular periods ranging from 24 to 30 day cycle but have no other symptoms. The doctor wants me to do 3 cd20 blood tests before we go any further. He say's there's a chance i may not be ovulating every month, which is what i think too (havent had positive opk in months).

At least were getting somewhere now!! 4months time and i'll know for sure if there's a problem

x x x
That sounds like a really positive step forwards. Good luck
Hi emma, just wanted to say welcome. I've been trying since feb 2010 as well. No hint of a positive either. Been 'diagnosed' as unexplained. Unfortuately we are both LTTTC at this point. I'm on a waiting list for IUI. Lots of luck to you hun xxxx
Hi kaykay,

Wow i hope you hear about your IUI soon. Its a pain in the butt, who'd have thought it would be so hard to get pregnant!!

Unfortunately for me i don't think i'll get any help, other than drugs if i'm not ovulating. I already have a child from a previous relationship, so i'm not allowed ivf, assume that means no iui either.

Its a scary thought but if they dont find anything i think i'll be sent on my merry way, and told to keep trying, not sure what that will do for my mental state of mind! :shock:
Aww I find that so unfair. Maybe you could start saving for ivf? I know its a lot of money to go private. It would take us years to save (we have already discussed it but not an option us). Yeah I never thought I would have fertility issues, dunno why I was so cocky. My friend took 3 years to conceive and even when she would speak to me about her journey I thought 'that won't be me' :roll:

Really hope it happens for you hun xxx

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