hi all i'm having my baby on monday!!

That must be such a shock that you'll be holding ur baby by monday! and yes you officially beat us all lol.

hope the c section isnt too bad and wishing you lots of luck for it :hug: :hug:
hey hun!
I'll pop over to see you on monday or tuesday night if thats ok? I'm on nights so hopefully it will be quiet, so i can sneek in a hug and peep at baby rusks!! Ahh!! how very exciting! I'm excited for you hun!!
C u soon xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

:hug: :hug: :hug:

:cheer: :cheer: :cheer:
Just to wish you good luck rusks, I can't believe how time flies! Now it's your turn to have your little one! Look forward to hearing how it all goes next week! Enjoy your shopping spree - Mermaid xxxx
Best of luck hunny! You didnt get much maternity leave eh!! Hope he's happy and healthy, maybe if you get time to send OH out for early baby clothes, he'll always grow into everything else :)

Will be thinking of you :hug:
Good luck Rusks, you will be just fine. The c section will be over before you know it, dont be scared. I really had a positive experience with mine.

My niece was in SCBU, they are so wondeful in there and baby will be in the very best of hands, and out before you know it. Take the time to recover from your op, and get lots and lots of rest. You will need it once you and bubba are home.

Will be logging on to check for news from Jades on Monday xxx
Good Luck Rusks- I am sure everything will be ok. Just look forward to Monday and enjoy having your little one in your arms.
Your baby will be fine..do not worry..doctors know what theyre doing! Love and prayers will be sent ...
:hug: :hug: :hug: good luck keep us posted, ooooooo its really exciting xxxxxxxxxxxxxx
rusks said:
Becks_again said:
:shock: :shock:
OMG Rusks You have offically won the end of feb club race hehe
omg hes gonna be titch :D
im so jealous ur gonna have ur baby MONDAYYYY
cant wait for pics
wishing u all the luck

i know i think you might class me as a cheat though!! he is going to be a titch!! :lol:
aww u must be so excited :)
I bet u never imagined being the winner of the race either lol haha i guess i have till mon to pop out riley haha
Rusks, don't worry about the section. Mine was a breeze. And it's great that you know it's happening so you have some time to get your head around it.
Look after yourself.
Lucyx :hug:
Good luck for Monday. Its good that the hospital are keeping such a close eye on you and it sounds like the little one is getting all the right nourishment in all the right places.

Hope it all goes well. Becks
rusks- It will be fine- though a bit sore, i've just had one and I've forgotten it already----too in love with my boy :dance:
Good luck babe :hug: :hug: :hug:
thank you all so much for messages and advice. :hug: i haven't had a lot of time to be on here as trying to arrange last minute things, you think you are organised til its actually happening!! :lol: spent all day in town on thursday getting tiny baby clothes and jogging bottoms for myself etc etc and catching up with a few friends as well as grandparents a very busy day :shakehead:

yesterday i went into day assessment unit for my pre perative assessment and was there all day being monitored and prepped etc. baby not moving quite so much but enough to meet criteria from machines so i guess thats ok! :doh: its so worrying all this waiting such a strange feeling!

today i am going in for what i hope is a quick monitor and trace of the heart to make sure he is ok and i'll be doing this tomorrow as well then its D day for monday!! have to be there at 7.45am and barring any emergencys should have my baby by 10am!!

will keep jaidy and liviray up to date and they can keep you all informed. :dance:

many thanks again for thinking of us, it means so much. xx :hug:
Wishing you lots of luck today, bet he was just having a quiet day yesterday :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: Good luck for Monday as well, roll on 10 am :cheer: :cheer: :cheer:

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