hi all i'm having my baby on monday!!


Well-Known Member
Apr 11, 2006
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Hello all :wave:

thank you so much for all your kind thoughts :hug: today didn't go as planned!! :roll:

The scan showed that baby is not getting adequate supply from placenta and he is infact losing weight inside me. :? placenta is giving him some nutrients and blood supply but that is all going to his head/brain which is kind of good as this is where its needed but it means he is unable to put on any weight on the rest of his body so they have decided now that he's better off out than in!! :shock:

i have a planned c-section booked for monday!! i am going in alternate days for monitoring and if he becomes distressed he will come out earlier but he has a good strong heartbeat and is moving well so they just wanted to give him a few more days for his lungs to develop further.

I have mixed emotions i feel very excited to think i will have my baby on monday but also scared stiff as i want him to be ok and am also so apprehensive of the c-section itself!!

he is measuring roughly 4lbs at the moment so its not a bad weight, could be a lot worse. we have been told he will go to special care baby unit for possibly up to 2 weeks to get fed up and also depending on his breathing when he comes out whether he will need support with this also.

so there it is can't believe i'm typing this!! all the newborn stuff we have bought is possibly going to be too big and the nappies so we are going out for a tiny baby shopping spree on saturday!! :eek:

I'm sure all will be ok, at least they're doing whats best for baby, so good luck for Monday.
at least u know they are looking after u and LO
hope it all goes well hun :hug:
:hug: awww hun im sure all will be ok we will all be thinking of you xxxxxxxxxxxxx
:shock: :shock:
OMG Rusks You have offically won the end of feb club race hehe
omg hes gonna be titch :D
im so jealous ur gonna have ur baby MONDAYYYY
cant wait for pics
wishing u all the luck
I cant believe it Lisa. Thanks for your email by the way. Like you say, its scary but very exciting!

Mummy by Monday!! Your baby and you will be in the very best of care so dont worry at all, im sure things will go fine.

Good luck for Monday! :cheer:
Jaidy said:
I cant believe it Lisa. Thanks for your email by the way. Like you say, its scary but very exciting!

Mummy by Monday!! Your baby and you will be in the very best of care so dont worry at all, im sure things will go fine.

Good luck for Monday! :cheer:

hi jade you still up for being my text buddy? i will text you as soon as i can or get gary to do it so you can let all my friends know on here :dance:
Wow cant believe baby will be here on monday !!!! wishing you the best of luck and hoping everything goes smoothly for you.
Are you having it at rcht?

Thinking of you xxxxxx

(p.s. replied to your PM but dont know if youve seen it! :) )
I'm sure everything will be fine sweetie......its great that they are keeping a good eye on you both & you'll get to meet you baby soon, I'm sure he'll pile on the weight once he's here :hug: :hug: :hug:

Lots of love & luck for Monday :hug:
Becks_again said:
:shock: :shock:
OMG Rusks You have offically won the end of feb club race hehe
omg hes gonna be titch :D
im so jealous ur gonna have ur baby MONDAYYYY
cant wait for pics
wishing u all the luck

i know i think you might class me as a cheat though!! he is going to be a titch!! :lol:
rusks said:
Jaidy said:
I cant believe it Lisa. Thanks for your email by the way. Like you say, its scary but very exciting!

Mummy by Monday!! Your baby and you will be in the very best of care so dont worry at all, im sure things will go fine.

Good luck for Monday! :cheer:

hi jade you still up for being my text buddy? i will text you as soon as i can or get gary to do it so you can let all my friends know on here :dance:

Oh my god for sure!!!! Cant wait, so excited :cheer:
good luck Rusks :hug:

All will be ok, can't wait to see his pics :cheer: :hug:
hannah was born at 36 weeks hun and she was ok only needed a couple of days in scbu, sure you will be fine :D
Awwwwwwwwww, good luck - I'm glad they're looking after you and baby so well. A friend of ours had a 4 pounder and she was absolutely fine. Good luck, will be thinking of you :hug: :hug: :hug:
can't believe that you are going to beat me to it !!!!!!!!!!!!! :) :) :)

Will be thinking of you over the next few days........... at least you know that you are getting the best possible care for you and baby.........

just think how amazing it will feel to have your baby in your arms

sending lots of hugs to you :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:

just to be the other end of the spectrum... saw MW today and she thinks I might have a 10 lber ............. even the thought of it is bringing tears to my eyes........
Good luck - I really hope all goes well. I have just had a 6lb 6oz babe and she is really diddy - make sure you have clothes for tiny baby or words to that effect - the clothes for newborns are enormous! She weighed in at 7lb 3oz today (2 weeks later) and still doesn't fit into any of her thousands of clothes (very generous presents!).

As for the c-section mine was horrendous but I would imagine you will be fine - I have no pain anymore and actually could probably say that after about 10 days felt a lot better. Catch up on your sleep before babe comes out of scbu - it will make the world of difference to your recovery.

Good luck - you must be so excited! :hug:

Wow thats greay news hun , wish you all the best and im sure all is fine.
Hun, so pleased that everything is ok. Good luck for your c-section, I know you're scared but like you say, he's better off out than in!

I also have to agree with sarahg, newborn clothes are really big. Daniel was 6 lb 1 and half oz and diddy!
If you need any earlybaby boys clothes let me know. I have quite a few (some that haven't even been worn) that I got for Daniel. Not only is there not much around in the shops, but they're not cheap! If you want them you are more than welcome :hug:

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